Release 195: Centraforge Gear and Epic Skills!

Thanks! That looks helpful. When I tried before, not having much idea what they did, I guessed wrong and I definitely used the wrong gums.

Are all the boons on that chart? I don’t see many that apply to chisels, spammers or tools. Isn’t there a boon for hitting multiple blocks?
Do the 'Y’s in the columns mean those are the only boons that will be applied to that type of item?

I’m probably wrong but I think there’s only a very few that you can use the gums etc to help add specific traits, the rest is pretty much up to chance as far as I can tell. I was trying to make some grapples that behaved like the old gold ones in that they automatically reel you in. Managed to make one but then the next 2 just ended up with extra durability … and maybe a little bit of extra range … not a great deal better than the current gold grapple.


I got silver grapple with automatic reel in when recording for tutorial. Brilliant! However it was random, of course.
Will record another part tomorrow hopefully, where I will be showing to what degree you can control the process.


All the AoE boons are there. It is as complete as my information - if you have additional data please share and I’ll update :slight_smile:

Or there’s my thread from a while back:

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This ties into the problem with the specialisation forced by skills now too. You can’t just go somewhere to kill for a while to clear it, because one’d likely get killed on a mining specced character.

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I agree. While I might have a hunter alt, that is not going to do my miner/gatherer any good. And the time and cubits to develop multiple skill sets just is not worth it. At 200,000xp per level after 50, it will take a long time for a miner to develop enough skill points to allow for a fully developed hunter character.

I do not have a good solution, but I think the group hunts are going to suffer in number of participants when more people cannot afford the death penalty as they are not able to add the skills to really be able to take a few hits without dying.


I think it is possible to please everyone. You can have a system where it’s similar to now but tweaked:

Item Power: 01__02__03__…__09__10
Assured outcome at 01-08, have to risk ingreds to get 09-10. This is very similar to now.

Boon Group Effect: Remove the risk element from effect choice. If you choose a specific boon (perhaps with a different, more expensive gum) you will not be able to even gamble on getting item power levels 09 or 10.

If you still gamble on boon effect but are assured the boon effect group you can gamble on item power level 09 or 10. You still risk your ingreds on an item you didn’t want and possible quirks/defects.

If you gamble on both effect group and using unstable compounds to risk the higher power levels, you can get maximum possible item power levels.

It’s tweaking it so you can always assure an outcome but not at maximum power. You can also always attain the effect you want but at a cost of item power.

If it needs further balancing the punitive way then you can add a boon effect limit and maximum power limit so I could e.g. have assured bow range and straight shot but then get no other effects added.
I’m not a game dev. I’m sure they could do the same aims with a more elegant system. The point is you can give up some power to assure not losing ingreds. Still has a risk element, doesn’t steal nearly as much time investment from a player.

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true that - maybe if 2nd spec was starting with sth like 25k per 1st lvl and then it was growing up to 200k for the second 50th; and then 3rd spec would start with 50k before reaching 200k for the third 50th level?

Ok I want to make sure I understand. Alts all have to leveled. I thought if you were level 50 and switched spec you were still level 50. Are you saying or suggesting that you would level the spec?

You are lvl 50 and then you start getting xp beyond 50 so you are lvl 51, 52…100 and so on (which is shown in exchange tab together with total xp earned from the lvl 1).

I actually didnt have a chance/way to see how you earn xp after lvl 50 but what is being said here and there suggests leveling beyond 50 costs 200k xp for each level which means very slow building process for a new skill set; however, maybe when the additional skill set is bought with cubits it looks different and even though total lvl for character is shown as 50+, within the new skill set it shows 1 to 50 and leveling is faster.

Anyways - assuming that you need 200k xp to go 1 level up for new skill sets, I was suggesting than maybe it should be lowered (it shouldnt be the same as first skill set as being lvl 50 means you can xp faster - unless earning xp for new skill set can only be done by playing new skill set).

A lot of ifs here lol.

Ok that I understand. I have the same concerns on having to level 100 times past 50 in order to spec two more skill sets. Might have to use alts as much as I dislike alts.


Has anyone actually unlocked a second skillset to know how it works? I first read the patch notes thinking that when you get an additional skill set you can respend your existing skill points in a different path. Kinda like a soft reset. Is that not how it works?

Coal is still super-scarce in caves after the hotfix. I’ve just spent 15 minutes running around caves without seeing a single piece.

Best way to find it right now remains bomb/aoe mining at altitude 0-15.

EDIT: Also no coal along the sides of mountains. Vulpto’s surface is also completely devoid of surface resources.

It would appear that the resource issues are still present.

My main is a level 50+, I have 1 skill set (100 points) plus an additional 26 points which I can’t use at the moment because I haven’t got a second skill set which costs an additional 600 cubits which so far I have zero of. Each new level past 50 is 200,000 xp … i’m up to 183,000 so far. It will be interesting to see how many cubits I get when I do level up, I’m pretty sure it’s nowhere near 600. I don’t do community hunts so my progress is slow to say the least. Since the update and the introduction of the arcade elements I have to admit I am finding it harder to find the motivation to log on and pla y as Netflix is becoming more appealing plus I have a few other games that I haven’t played yet that are now also looking more interesting.

Edit: Managed to get the extra xp points to level up by decimating the local wildlife within a 100 mile radius :grin: and just to confirm it is 300 cubits when you level up … so only another 200,000 xp to go before I can use my extra points :smiley:

Hi guys,

I can’t edit the OP, but I’m sure James will when he can. We released a small hot fix this afternoon with the following:

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a crash when interacting with the forge
  • Fixed a crash when a player stops crafting in another players machine
  • Fix for obtaining a valid player Entity pointer that does not have a player component, which caused a crash

We expected to release more fixes, but unfortunately we ran into trouble with some server issues, which are being worked on tomorrow.



I’ve just used the centraforge for the first time.

Two things came to hand as first time user, even at lvl 50.

I needed two skills (again) to use it. One to make the machine, another to make the basic ingredients. I really feel the basic ‘make the engine’ skill should include the basic items to even USE it.

Secondly. Using this at the lowest level of items and ingredients, which is what I’m trying, as would any freshling to the centraforge whilst levelling, feels pretty bad. The chances of boons seems abysmally low.

Perhaps (and I realise this is probably way too late), lower level shouldn’t be more rubbish chances of getting boons, instead it should limit the max of a boon, maybe only 1 level per boon can be done, and it should always produce quirk ‘energy’/chances.

Just my thoughts. I know on 1.0 I won’t bother using it as it stands, until I’ve maxed out the ingredients ability and other skills required, so as not to waste time on getting total trash/nothing at all.


I do think it’s too easy to get good items in Centraforge as well.
I’m planning on sharing some thoughts on balance soon.

So you have played from a completely new character (level 0) and farmed everything from levels to materials yourself with no help from others, buying materials, etc, and you still think it is too easy?

I’m just asking for clarification. I haven’t tried it from scratch myself yet.

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