Release 195: Centraforge Gear and Epic Skills!

There is a boon removal ingredient so whenever sth you don’t want is there, you can delete it and free boon slot.
Also you can boost your compounds with boon boost paste 2 to have more hits.
Try to make pure compound 3 your main weapon and the weaker ones you keep just in case.

Do those boon removal ingredients use stability and the other limiting thing? Vigour or vitality? Because I didn’t have much stability left to play more. I can see doing that for a boon you just don’t want, but I don’t think there should be bad boons there are already quirks and defects.

One other bad feature of the forged slingbow, it no longer stacks with other iron slingbows, no more smart stack, it requires a whole inventory slot for itself.

Even though that one boon is more of a quirk or defect I was able to make something.
The gums seemed to have effect. Last time I tried on test server I only used 1 gum, but got got 9 different boons none that were the group the gum was for.
How 9? They kept changing during forging and setting. That was why I quit trying then.


yeah, I noticed that and i wasnt too happy :confused:
There is a bug where a predicted boon (one shown first) changes to another one. Apart from making it all look weird, it doesnt affect the process and how it all works.

The ingredients I mentioned all use vigour and stability, some only vigour.
Good thing to do is to start with vigour bonus, then add boon bonus - that costs you 200 vigour and 200-220 stability but you will get 250 vigour over 5 rounds from the first, and 50% more boon points from compounds thanks to the latter ingredient.
So in the 3rd round you start using pure compounds 3 - the first round already gives you 750 points if you have 100 effectiveness. Thats 75% chance for hit right away. If you miss, than use pure compound 1 (150 points with bonus) to top up the bar. In general - use pure 3 when the boon points bar is below half and pure 1 when the bar is above half.
So within 4 rounds when boon bonus works you will use 4 compounds - maybe all of them 3rd level, amybe mixed 3 and 1.
After that (6 rounds) you will have used 400-600 vigour (but also gaining 250, so you would be safe even if you have less than 500 to your disposal) and 400 - 640 Stability (depending on how many pure compunds 3 you used).

Do you have that kind of Vigour/Stability when forging? (400-600) If yes this set up will easily get you 3 hits. If you have around 100 Stability you should be able to use another vigour boost and boon points boost and run a few more compunds, gaining 2-4 hits more.


How do you target specific boons that you want to remove or change? I was under the impression that each time you spin the bit in the middle and those line on the left bounce up and down it just randomly affects each of the three slots that have boons in or are empty if you’re still trying to get some.

I actually havent tried the removal ones yet, so thats sth to figure out for me. It might be it works from top, so from the traits added last. Just a guess atm though.

Usually (at least for quirks / defects) it only removes the one added in the previous spin. When I tried removing a defect 2 spins later, I wasn’t able to, so by the looks of it, it needs to be done on the spin directly after it is added.

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thats not ideal - you remove one and then you get worse one after; being able to do it at the end you could at least pick which one you remove if you have more than 1

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If we can pick and choose things then that is not RNG… so we should not have any selection process in this. You should have to execute the removal immediately afterward to remove it… that is already deviating enough from an RNG process and allowing customization.

hmmmm, yeah when I think about it now…

No! RNG is bad! It’s evil!
lol everyone has differing likes and dislikes.

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Thanks for clarifying that … do you know if it makes any difference in what order you use the different types of gums, pastes, solvents etc in terms of trying to get specials and boons etc

I did another try of the forge, I noted that I start with 1800 vigour and 1300 stability then started with two longevity gums which don’t reduce either, then compounds: 2 pure boon compound 3, 2 draining boon compound 2 and 8 pure boon compound 2, don’t remember exact order, started with a 3 then some 2 and the draining when the bar was very low, that added a lot. Got a Heavy-duty Boon, a Long-Range Boon, and Fly Fast Boon, which would have been all three longevity boons, but the fly fast changed to glow, but still 2 of 3 were what I used the gum for.
So gums work much better than they did on test.
And only one boon changed, much better than on test.
Ended up with +1000 durability and +15 range and 6m glow.
Very nice. No defect boons.
I’ll try the same thing again see if it’s repeatable.
Edit: gum did use 50 vigour


I usually go for 8-10 pure 3 and keep maybe 5 pure 1 to fill up the bar when its high, to avoid wasting boon points from pure 3;
boon points bonus and vigour buff are nice to lengthen the session. I can have 12-14 rounds using compunds with 10 hits easily that way. My numbers: Stability 1700 and Vigour 1000 at the moment.

Next try, 2 longevity gums,1 pure boon 3, 3 draining boon 2, 6 pure boon 2, got Heavy-duty Boon again, then Critically Lucky Boon and Long-Range Boon, but some funny things happened as I got level increases with hits, critical chance I think started at 30 and went down to 10% even though it said it was level 5, and long range started +15, then 9, 12, and ended at +15…9 and 12 aren’t even on the list, it’s supposed to go up by 5’s…I just cause strange glitches, or it’s not quite working yet. Durability did always go up by 200.
Ended with +1400 durability, +10% crit, +15 range.
2 of 3 boons what the gum tried to get.

Seemed pretty good to me except don’t think crit is correct for level 5, durability looks good for level 7, range is close to what level 4 advertises.

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For fun tried a founders totem.
Where the iron slingbows got effectiveness 73, totem got effectiveness 20 :frowning:
2 special gum, 1 longevity, 1 effect
Mostly misses
Got heavy-duty 3, then magnetic! But that changed to hard hitter 3, next spin got magnetic! Again. Was going to stop right there, but before I could it went away and added a level to hard hitter :scream:
Ended with + 40% crit, +600 durability. Nice, but
Don’t really like the boons changing…

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that boons changing bug will go away eventually…

I can see you are getting there if it comes to forging :sunglasses:
its all about practice

I miss the dark nights, can we please have them back?

I timed the day/night cycle and got 20 min of day and 5 min of night, and at night the moon lit it all up, it was not darker then a cloudy day.

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I posted a bug report on this.


I think the death penalty is a little to harsh atm, at least for me.
I am lvl 50, and a builder/crafter, mostly running around in game fixing things here and there.
On Monday i was away 10 min and was starved to dead when i come back.
Today (Saturday) i still have not get rid of it.
It should have a time limit of a day or two.

And i do not think you should die of hunger. Stop at 1 hp, get a debuff or fall asleep or something.
I do other things when playing and can not have 100% attention on the screen.


Maybe when there’s no activity for a certain period of time and just before hunger kills us we could automatically get sent back to Sanctum. That way if someone is playing and suddenly has to attend to something in real life, phone rings, someone knocks on the door, kids about to see if that bit of lego tastes as good as it looks etc etc instead of being heavily penalised you just have to top up your hunger before continuing.