Release 198: Aim Assist and Masks!

ehh id say i play like 6 hrs a day,not every day but prob clock 35-50 hrs a week.

Ah. I’d definitely consider that on the “hardcore” side of things hahaha.

one of them games where im like just one more hour!..5 hours later ill be like ■■■■! was meant to be in bed hours ago! :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe an issue: weren’t we supposed to get 1 free skill set reset every week? I have not received one yet

Another missed changelog item: Power Coils now also decrease spark consumed by the machine it is connected to.

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I was under this impression because of this post.

I know it says ‘reciece’ but I don’t think that’s a valid get out clause :wink:


Weeks at aminimum. Preferably months. You shouldnt reach max level in just a few days.

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No that was changed awhile ago, you now only get 1 free skill reset ever but instead get 1 skill point reset each time you level up, … It’s so you’l have something else to spend your cubits on :neutral_face:


No I think that was just a rumor started by a user over a month ago. I don’t remember ever seeing a Dev say this.

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Disappointing :frowning: Particularly as one of those “I don’t enjoy alts” kinds of people

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It´s not fixed, and it´s an annoying bug because when you have lots of machine I know where to look because of the yellow bar. Now I have to open the machines one by one. It´d be nice to see it fixed soon. Thanks

I like the changes to the bombs and chisels. Makes it fairer. I feel it rewards those who do mining with mainly hammers more. Don’t forget peeps that you get rewards for breaking tools :wink:


I know this is off topic but when the game went live I have to admit I was extremely disappointed in the new look of the characters. We went from quite appealing almost feline looking characters to what I can only describe as nappy wearing troll like creatures (sorry to be so blunt). I can’t imagine any designer thinking these are better looking models so I can only come to the conclusion that this was a considered decision which in turn raises the question, why?
The most obvious answer, not necessarily the right one, is that it was done to encourage us to spend cubits on character customisation. If they were too appealing most people would possibly be happy with them and therefore less likely to be inclined to make any real changes. The introduction of masks which have to be bought with cubits means that current players now have to decide to either sacrifice plots to spend the cubits or buy more cubits to cover up something that seems like it was intentionally made unappealing.


3 months for main lol 2 - weeks for alts sounds like a good speed. But it all depends on the person. Decision shouldnt be base on the hardcore power levelers, but a casual player. If it takes 3 moths for a hardcore player imagen what a casual player will have to deal with :joy:


I disagree. It’s all been downhill since we stopped looking like a delicious morsel of Red Leicester.

Now, if we had a special Founders Bonus of a mask that makes us look like a salty block of cheese, I’d trade all my cubits for that.

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I would have thought without using exploits (chiseling, towers of refined gleam or bomb mining) or xp buffs it would take 100 hours in game.

I think leveling a char to lvl 50 should take about 120-200h of effective gameplay. In matter of gaming days (as a non casual gamer) this whould be about 15-25 days (8h/day)

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Somewhere between 60 and 120 hours of gameplay to achieve level 50+ seem about right to me. Considering I never made it about level 32 in the beta and I spend hundreds of hours, I think the journey itself is the end game.

Then again, I’ll wait to get the second marshmallow.


Same, it seriously tilted me so many times lol.

@james @Steggs101 @jesshyland !

Thanks all! Another great update!

What game releases on Monday and is already rolling out features on Thursday?! Awesome! Shows more and more that the game is going to be getting regular content updates!

Thanks for this great update! Excited for many more :slight_smile: