Rental Rollers Anonymous

Stands up from chair in circle…

Hello group, my name is Paka and I am completely, hopelessly in love with the new Rental system. :grin: Everything about it is just enthralls me, playing with the choices and trying to optimize biome results, seeing what new colors I might get, the resources, a WHOLE PLANET!! :smiley: Best entertainment for $10 I’ve ever had… just too, too fun!

Huge kudos and thanks to the dev team for all the work in bringing this to us. :slight_smile: Mentioned in other threads, that while I’d always sort of noticed that biomes in the game can merge together to create unique new results, hadn’t really studied it closely until now. More I play with it, the more I appreciate it… incredibly cool system, though I don’t understand coding in the slightest, can tell from the results must be some really brilliant stuff going on under the hood there.

I really need to stop… for this month though at least, and play with what I have! :wink: So far, have three I think I just have to keep long-term, but all of them have had some appeal. I told a friend here to kick me hard in the butt if I say I’m going to try another before then, haha. I also on my second to last buy put it was my last one in the purchasing form comments… only to follow up just a bit later with an “I lied” comment on the next one, as I simply HAVE to at least try a T1 here! I’ve always been an Explorer type above all in games… I mean, before Boundless I used to spend hours messing around with Minecraft seeds to see what I’d start out with. Multiply that appeal times about a thousand here to see the beauty and possibilities that fiddling with the biome selection can create.

Anyways, hoping they pop soon so this therapy thing has been fun and all, I’ll let any of you who want to join RRA throw in your thoughts while I go see if my new worlds are up!


Hi. My name is jeffro and I am also an addict. I am addicted to everyone’s addictions. When I see a new world I can’t help but to warp to it and gather it’s new gleam colors. I though I would stop when shadow curleean was discovered. Then I stumbled upon the light gray and have been looking for the elusive shadow red.
Now I wake up on Sunday morning and find that I need to gather some black … just a few more smart stacks!
My famaly wants to spend some time with me but they just don’t understand that there are so many more colors I need to gather. This is a problem.
I don’t even have enough time for my other addictions! I can see the full coffee pot from where I sit but I can also see a portal to a new color I don’t have! Coffee be damned I’m just gonna grab a few more smart stacks, then more storage, then just a few more colors…
Someone help me!


Was going to make a separate topic today expressing how overwhelmed I feel :joy:. Not only do I play several games simultaneously most of the time, but also now I have Boundless with all its projects, shop to run, and now the 1k new planets. That’s not to mention ehem ehem real life. I keep telling myself it’s ok to miss colors because you know, we’ve all missed many exos before. We all know deep inside though that its not very ok :joy:. Well, I am trying my best without burning out with the time I have :grin:.


This one takes way to much energy and I’m finding lately that it is really encroaching on my game time.
Also what are other games? Like pong?


Yes beer pong


:confused: that’s unfortunate but I understand…

Lol pong? The arcade game? Haha def no xD. Playing one game only is a risky business - you risk being game-less shall anything happen to that game xD


Not really a beer drinker but I’ll play you a game of whisky pong. . … once I collect all these colors. …


Hello, my name is Boundmore… and I am an addict.

It started innocently. Just needed that one extra rental roll to get my biomes right…
then the resources weren’t perfectly spread…
Before I knew I couldn’t go through a day without at least one new shiny world.

Now I fully admit have a problem.


Hello my name is wakeNbake and I did not rent 5 planets in the first week

If it turns out that I did rent 5, I didnt! Then 4 of those planets were not rented simply for the fact that I wanted to see what would happen if I made certain choices with biomes and water liquid patterns, etc. They were not rented just for the fun of it.

I am wakeNbake, I am not in denial, I never ever tell stories, I do not have a problem and I do not need just 1 more planet…



Yall need jesus



Nice which planet is for desert , I want the black one .

I…rerolled a planet cause 1. the tundra biome wasn’t doing it for me and cause the nearest planet in the night sky didn’t please me. Someone stop me.


My name is Spitcup and I’m addicted to Planet Renting. 2 Did Turn out to be worthless cause I too try to break the barriers of what I can get to Spawn. It is now a Sport. Please help. I am at 7 right now and want it to end. Seriously Heck of a good time Kudos.


Trying to stop @Spoodle, I call him ‘Helgen’ because he likes starting again…

Lord have mercy on our souls.


Nothing better than a good whiskey. Makes everything all right.


I spawned a Paka World today.

I am an addict.

@bucfanpaka - I know you want it :wink:


Hello everyone. My name is iRedactoid and I have no idea what I’m doing here because I only bought one planet and stuck with it. Y’all have issues to resolve so, I’ll leave you to it. I’ll show myself out. Have a nice day and I hope you all get well soon. :grin:


Hello Everyone

Well scratches neck I’ve been clean for twitches
almost a day now submits new planet. Umm sorry a few minutes now. I feel like I have a grasp on things tho clicks buy again

I swear I don’t have a problem. Don’t look at me like that


I finally found my tier 1 home. No more re-rolls for me…now about that tier 6 ice world I want…

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