Replace blood in brewing/cooking recipes

I really don’t like the idea of drinking blood, so I’m avoiding the brews that include blood in the recipe.
Can we find an alternative to blood in the brew recipes (and in cooking recipes if its there as well)?

Something that would take an equivalent effort to obtain.
Perhaps an oil extracted from tallow?

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Drink up, it’ll put hair on your chest!


it’s only a game, make the brews etc and drink up :slight_smile:


maybe think of it like this: the stuff USES blood to be crafted, but it does not actually CONTAIN any. (thats actually true as it is a digital item not having to do anything physically with any of the things its made from ingame)


Maybe it burns off, like cooking liquor. Sound better?

I mean, ppl eat Peeps, and don’t even realize it contains ingredients made from animals.

Are you suggesting a vegan or Vegetarian movement?

How else would we obtain the blessings of the Blood God?


I’m hoping that’s not what this is.


We should have a black pudding weapon. Effective and delicious at the same time.

Leave the Blood


Video games aren’t real. This makes them a wonderful way to experience things that you can’t/won’t experience outside of the game.

Also violence is bad so we need to remove all combat from the game.

Blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne!


im waiting for muslims that say they dont want to eat/drink stuff made of spitters because it look like pig :smiley:

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But I don’t like the idea of drinking/eating animal related products, can we replace tallow/hide/etc. too?

I also don’t like the idea of drinking/eating vegetation, can we replace those?

Heck, I don’t like going off-planet can we change all recipes to use tier 1 resources?

In other words: don’t be silly!


I agree. I don’t want blood in brews. I want to drink it directly from the spitter’s throat.

What, too much?


We could just filter feed. No meats, no greens. No cooking involved! Just good ole air.

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Only if you went as far as saying you wanted to floss your teeth with its still-quivering veins afterward. Also, that thing you want to do with the cuttletrunk tentacles is inappropriate for a family-style game, at least outside of certain specialized Japanese animations about which I have absolutely no knowledge.


This conversation is hitting really close to home with my rl conversations.
Because I talk to a group of no-mouth-filter guys who spew word vomit.

Which means I’m immune. Carry on.

My word vomit is a blessing. Everyone who reads it is enriched.

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let us make black puding!