
Is there a guide on monster resistances somewhere? I dont understand why almost half of my attacks against the special monsters like the “blasting” types gets resisted. I am using a titanium slingbow. Why are they resisting my attacks? I mean exactly what kind of “resistance” do they have and what type of “attack” is it my slingbow does that gets resisted? All the game tells me is the scrolling combat text “ELEMENT RESIST”, with no further information.

I tried looking at this small guide on resistances (mentioned below) but I still dont get it. So there is Corrosion, Burn, Blast, Shock, Chill and Toxin resistances. Which of these attack types is my slingbow that cause it to get resisted?

And more importantly, can I somehow better penetrate whatever resistance they have? It cant be right that so many of my attacks should get resisted, how to get around this?

EDIT: okay so I found some forum posts that discussed this, I understand there is a set 40% resistance to physical attacks. So does this mean that if I for example make a toxic slingbow and use it against blast enemy (that has -30% toxin resistance) I will simply do 30% more damage and none of the attacks will be resisted? Or is the attack from a toxing slingbow also still considered a physical attack so still 40% of them gets resisted?

The resist % is the chance to completely resist the attack from what I understand. If it has a negative %, being weak to the element, you’ll never get resisted and have a chance to do increased damage instead. Not sure if it’s 30% more damage or that just how the numbers worked out for resistances.

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Thank you, so if I make a toxic slingbow and shoot a blasting monster, I will never get resisted, right?

This could help you


Thank you for that. This means that when battling an elemental enemy only opposing elements will give the +30 resistance. Using any other element will result in either -30%, -60% or -80% (or -40% if not using an element at all meainng physical).

I understand this then that if I make for example a toxic slingbow it will NOT make physical attacks and no attacks will be resisted at all when attacking blast enemies.

Still keep in mind the creep armor rating, if your toxic slingbow does not do enough dmg to pass that rating, it still gonna resist.


oh I did not know of that. What is the creep armor rating?

idk what are they, but exemple if you have toxic weapon that does 5k dmg vs a blast creep that have 5k armor rating, you will only do damage when the +30% damage trigger. And when it trigger you will do the extra 30% damage like this 5000 * 1.3 = 6500 - 5000(armor) = 1500 damage.

This is just fictive numbers. I don’t know the calculation behind, this is what i experienced.

So if the creep has an armor buff it could happen you will not do damage.

Like if i have the “shotgun” boon on the slingbow, this reduce the base damage of the weapon, even if i have best elemental against the creep i will not do dmg to it(usually happens vs Elite with armor buff).

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It’s the little green things below the health bar, blocks have it too on higher tier planets.


edit: Actually let me correct that, they don’t seem to appear the same on mobs as on blocks. I’ll test it a bit…

Do happen to know how much “armour” each dot represents?

After a bit of testing it seems that 1 green armor equals -100 damage, 1 blue armor is -1000 damage, with a few oddball mobs adding an extra -50 damage. Couldn’t find any logic where the -50 comes from, expand at the bottom to see the data I gathered. Planet tier itself didn’t affect damage numbers, just the armor things.


So this equals -1500 to the tooltip damage of your weapon

Damage numbers

Formatted like
[armor] [mob tier] [-damage diff]

0 -0
0 stout -0
0 strong -0

0 -0
1 stout -100
2 stout -200
2 strong -200
4 strong -400

0 -0
0 stout -50
2 strong -200
5 mighty -500

1 -100
3 stout -350
7 strong -750
?3 mighty -1300
?5 strong -1500
(? is a single blue armor)


my guess might be the game only renders the armour pips once they represent 100/1000 armour, so a creature might have 1550 armour, but the extra 50 is rounded down to 0 and not displayed (but still effective in reducing damage)

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arent the shields below the health bar the constant armor, and the shield above a temporary buff? (as well as healing and damage buffs appearing there)

so blue shield 1000, green 100 and the odd numbers in between come from buffs that creatures use?

obviously, blocks only have armor and no buffs lol

never paid much attention to it, I usually just know which ones I can fight and which ones I should run from

All high tier creatures have armour, but only certain creatures have the buff.

The buff is permanent to any creature that has it and increases the shield below the health bar

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but these buffs might be the source of values lower than 100?

like the 50 discussed here?

From how i understand it, various creatures have all levels of armours.

Strong cuttletrunk has 750 armour, which doubles to 1500 with the buff. Funnily enough, none of the creatures end up having an armour rating ending in “50” once they get the buff.


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I also remembered there was talk long time ago about creatures applying status to themselves in different moments of combat (as long as I understood). Found it in update 184 notes.
Has this been changed?

it says:

Creatures can now apply status effects to themselves to improve their defence and damage potential.

(this is closed topic and doesn’t allow me to use quote from there)

Aha now I finally understand why removing the orange health bar from elites took me ages, but the purple was faster, blue even more fast, and green very quickly gone.

Health bars are a bit different

Not 100% sure how much orange is, 10k or 12.5k maybe?