Rotator Tool

Simple response - not available.

I haven’t asked the specifics around rotation or the technology or anything. I guess I could always ask to talk to Luca directly on a call to find out what is easy and hard… :slight_smile: either way I just want a simple solution that just makes it happen. Anything to keep people from standing around in multiple directions trying to place blocks in multiple ways in hopes that things line up.


Please add something to rotate blocks

I was gonna make this exact suggestion! I definitely back this up. Could be another chisel boon :+1:t3:
Would be awesome if it could work on doors/trapdoors too

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it should rotate everything possible that be nice
for example candy totems on a shopstand
they seem to also turn sideways when placed
and best off all turn stuff upside down
so we have even more decor options
upside down shopstands
upside down storage chest you name it :smiley:

It would be awesome if the bottom of a mesh block (trunk, stand, basket, whatever) went to the spot where you placed it.

Im all for it if it works and fixes placement problems.

How ever the pessimist in me will say; if its anything like the undo chisel (even tough this one is handy at times) than this tool will be useless because it doesn’t fix the problem we have with missing patterns.

what i mean is that it just rotates the block or the “Visible picture” to existing patterns and not the missing ones.

Sorry but it had to be said.

The objective of the tool is to solve frustration people have when attempting to place existing patterns and the excessive amount of time that is spent trying to build the pattern they want when they don’t understand the underlying game block placement and design rules. Most players are not aware that only certain patterns exist so they spend lots of time. At least this will allow them to clearly see the things they can get instead of not knowing or just getting frustrated.

This tool is not here to “add the missing patterns” because as we see it is not an option under the current game design without eating up block space. By doing that we would limit more features and content in the game. It is useless to try to make the developers change that decision because of how severely it affects the game until they have other options around the problem. This was a technical design decision they made and something they felt was the best balance they could achieve at that point.

What isn’t useless is trying to help people and provide quality of life updates especially in areas that deal with lots of frustration or conflict in the game’s systems.


Wasn’t to dispute the tool :wink: just point out if it where added and functional like the “Undo” it will have it’s uses but it won’t add rotations that aren’t there. Like the canes/stands Upside down. There isn’t currently a rotation for it so it can’t do that.