Sandbox Crafting Concept

Wow, great feedback! Sorry I kinda had to let this one stew for a while before getting to replies, I’m not feeling too swell lately and decided to get some rest. I think for the most part, @Zouls captured everybody’s thoughts fairly well, so I’ll respond to his post primarily.

Allow me to counter this with “exhibit A”

I really don’t want to discredit our dev team’s ability to introduce complex mechanics into the gameplay, and while my concept may be over the top, it is still just a concept and not a fully worked out device. as @Vastar put it, step 2 may indeed be too much, but it could lead to other ideas or fun mechanics.

Quite true, external resources would make this a joke in no time. At the very least, you would have that mad scramble in the early days to document every possible outcome and effect much like we had when crafting was first implemented. (those damn heal/ember blocks took far to long to figure out!)

Thank you for your fair consideration, and while I’m not asking for 1000 weapon types, I am effectively asking for 1000 weapon outcomes so that is a fair comparison, though I think this may result in far less effort modeling and rendering than 1000 actual different weapons.

That’s actually not something I had in mind, though I could possibly see it done in a manner similar to Gears of War’s action reload system. Not sure that this would really add any meaningful gameplay in this sense, however.

Now, let me ask you guys a question. If you were to use a system like this, would you feel that you are actually “learning” the profession? Do you think that this system could be more fun than the typical “use 2 ingots and a stick to craft a sword” style of crafting? Since that was the goal behind this concept, let me know how you imagine it would be received if it was a real thing.

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