Sandbox Creature Ideas

Definitely cool ideas to base off of. I wasn’t initial saying a phoenix i was saying a phoenix like as a base of reference but what you took from it was amazing and thank you for helping with that.

And i accidentally posted twice srry bought that I’m new to the forums as of yesterday.

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That :arrow_up:
Finally, welcome to the community! Be sure to check out some of the older posts and always use the search function when making a new topic.

Thanks @Havok40k I sure will

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Has anyone thought about this.(an evolving mechanism) … Let’s say there’s a pack of caterpillars :bug: (that you have to make a considerable amount of damage just to kill one, so you will have to be in a large group, if you’re able to kill them they have chance of dropping a caterpillar mount or an egg pet lol also to note the drop chance must be low so it won’t be an activity that you do it and automatically get the reward no that’s a no no) and if you don’t kill them under 45-50 seconds of them spotting you they will go into the stage chrysalis for 15 seconds(those 15 seconds you will use them to you’re advantage to either run away or get ready to fight) in which they will be immune to damage after that they will come out and be a horde of butterflies that are able to push you away with their wings, grab and drop you from high places and be able to shoot at you too… which if you succesfully kill them you have chance of wings dropping which will give you the ability to fly for 5 seconds (to increase the time of flying you will have to fuse more wings[3 seconds each ] which means more grinding to get the wings :wink: see what i did there lol) another thing to note is that they will need to be an specific group of players that will be in charge of grabbing the butterflies with the hooks so they won’t escape and de spawn leaving them unhooked for more than 10 seconds will make them trigger the flee effect in which if you don’t hook them down under 3 seconds they will fly away amazingly fast and de spawn which then you will have to look around for caterpillars all over again and repeat the cycle
Anyone else think my idea is good or is it bad? ( i have other ideas this is 1/100 of mine ) :v: :wave:

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Not directly a sandbox creature but how about a not hostile creature that can be traded with? (Like the villagers in Minecraft)
It could look similar to the Gremlin creature and could be spawned with one random trade offer (x Wood <=> y Stone x Ores <=> y Seeds x Ammunition <= y coin (goldsink)) for the first player that trades with it.
These creatures should only spawn rarely though so their impact on the player economy is negligible.
I think this would make some nice encounters in the wilderness of B<.

My first idea here: A large insect (Roughly 2/3 meter) that’s like a locust crossed with a cricket. They could be the larger cousins of a smaller species around for ambience. (Think cricket noises)The giant version lives in dark deep chasms, waiting to ambush whatever. By whatever, they are not picky. They are oportunistic omnivores.

They are not hived but not solitary, they live in loose communities and will eat their wounded, or sometimes their young. They reproduce in vast numbers, hiding out in caves or thick underbrush in dark forests.

They are particularly attracted to wounded targets, animals or players, and swarm the target. They also consume vegetable matter or crops if presented with the opportunity.

Also they are delicious when roasted.


Additional, bright light will make them scatter, a way to defend yourself or hunt them.



Oh yes, yes big Hydra man.

I have other better ideas but they can wait.

Should like a little animal that when you feed him with right stuff, he run away and point out where to dig for certain resources.


How about doing specific things to befriend the creature?


What about a wooly mix of a sheep, a goat and a llama. Called a Gheema.

It could be a passive creature with a whole lot of variety depending on where they live.
For example: if a breed of this creature lived on plains it would evolve long legs to run faster, and some stripes as camouflage

In forests, it would evolve greenish brown with light green dots.

In deserts, it would have fluffy, fat bulges on his back and a sandy colour.

Mountain Gheema would have fluffy, white fur, and some powerful legs.

You could customize the horns in wichever way the environment finds necesary

Bye and thanks for reading. . . o/

Creatures is one, but what about different drops so its more interesting to hunt certain beasts.Is it in plans?

That sounds like a pretty cool idea but whats the sandbox aspect exactly? How does it interact with the blocks around it?

The simple fact some creature have unique drops interacts with players choices and behavior (what is their target) - so instead of just killing animals in big numbers to unlock achievements or simply level up in attacker class one might actually hunt a certain species for its resources. I know, of course at the moment a player can hunt for meat, fat and bone and not looking at the achievements (like kill 100 or 500 of spitters and such). However, having the same drops from all species means that a player looking for bone or meat just goes out and kills everything on the way.

Even within same drops there could be difference in quality - lets say one species have meat restoring more health than other, but another species have bones better suited to produce extract (same way a unit of soft coal gives less fuel than a unit of medium coal etc).

I hope there are plans for some species to drop fur to produce clothing for example (or decorative items for the house). Maybe some species could offer offal as their drops. I’m just shooting now whatever ideas come to head without much thinking into what might it be used for maybe, but to be true I believe devs have some great ideas already.

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Thanks for the feedback. This is very much the intention for the creature drops, and you will start to see this more with the next major pass of recipe balance.


Not a suggestion about a specific kind of creature but about behavior for ALL existing creatures.

In the areas densely populated (might be defined by the ratio of plots vs. unplotted area in a region) wild creatures would slow down spawning rate and eventually stop spawning altogether. I find it kinda weird now that my larger plotted area is populated with wildstock and spitters and they keep getting inside my buildings etc…

Now - from players point of view extensive expansion would lead to significant shortage of animal resources to the point of extinction of some (or all) wild life. That would force players to look for animal kind of resources further away and eventually on different planets (when urbanized areas take over the most of available land).

Different species could have different level of tolerance towards civilization - the ones with higher tolerance would still live next to players (although in less numbers than in their typical untouched habitat ), while the ones with low tolerance would withdraw from populated areas and even extinct if a planet can’t provide enough isolated living space for them. The last concept came to me after reading some creatures ideas involving people using their presence around settlements for their own purposes (like the spider-like animals being encouraged to stay around people so they web structures helped defensively).


Ok, here is some ideas.

First of all :smiley:
I have always been scared of swimming in the water on games that have water creatures.
We should definitely have some kind of big or small creature that lurks the water.

Part shark, part fish part monster!

Something looking as badass as this. :smiley:
You would not simply jump in the water this way…unless you want to loose your toes or foot! hahaha!

Maybe some killer rabbits!
picture for illustration!

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What do these creatures DO. How does a player interact with them? What is the “sandbox” element?

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