[Scutu] --[T7 - Savage Rift Exoworld]-- [Inactive]

“websocket closed” error when you try to warp

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If you were using the warp conduits in the sanctum you don’t lose any coin till you walk thru. However if you were using the placeable conduits you did lose coin

its open now


Don’t use cute gifs you evil fish ( :joy:)




Just checked and the planet can be warped to

but precious time has passed :disappointed:

you didnt come home with 3 smart stacks of rift? cause i sure as heck did. i was on that puppy faster than @Morkaen could have posted in the forums about the lack of exos.

that time i could play, it through me out after like 100 rift mined


So I know most people are mining rift here, but for those of you who are are more into gathering materials… has anyone seen or obtained any sponge from this planet? If so… where??

I did not really look for it while doing the atlas. That color of sponge is selectable on Sovs, so could be easier to get elsewhere.

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Busy with work, managed to get around 450 rift though. Don’t really need it at the moment but may come in handy when the latest update hits.

As for posting - I wasn’t the only one and it worked didn’t it! (eventually) :partying_face:

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