Selling raw gems 700, refined 4000 by hand at Ultima Mall, Finata. Also swapping 1ref to any 6 raw

Shout for DK in Ultima Hub on Finata! If you can’t wait, gems are 770, refined 4500 on my shop stands (still a good deal).

I also swap my one refined gem for your any-colored 6 gems, trying to help newer crafters get near-bulk convenience.

The swap is actually a good deal!

If you wanted to make refined in the best case scenario you would have to use 360 gems to get 50 compact (50co from now on), and to get 50 refined (50re from now on) you need 36co. You can use 36re to mass craft Adv. power coils.

So if you need those 36 refined you can just use 216 gems instead of 360!
You can apply this to bulkcarft too!

Huge shout for this initiative helping mid players!