LOL. you dont have to inspire change with a transformation chizel. you can just chizel change.
Sennobisia T7-Blink (Volatile Lvl 7) exo samples and tokens are up in my museum… Location: PS G-TE - Lil Porkchop Block Museum (behind PS Gleam portal)… Note: Cold Slate GLEAM is a repeat but could only fine in a field with singles … Tokens for the following are available: All Trees, Lush Foliage, Tangle, Growth (singles on tree), Thorns, Mud and Ash. Concrete mats: Sand and Gravel for my fellow concrete makers!!.. enjoy my friends
I’m back at it again my fellow oortians… After a exo break due to the gleambow event I missed doing what I do in helping you all get the goodies… enjoy!!!
Completed 99c atlases and some free location tokens now ready at the usual place at Exo Explorers on Lasaina (main portals from TNT Megahub and PS Hub Boori)
I put some 99c atlases and free location tokens in the TNT Shedu Tier hub for easy access when heading to the Exo via the TNT Megahub in case you forget to bring yours.
Some location and resource pics
the whole planet is one big hotspot!
Dat wite sedi rok tho.
ehm… lol…
schön means beautiful in german…
beautiful crown?
Oh wow loving all the new colours on this one!
I really wish they would come up with a way to vary the colours more this is kinda beyond ridiculous.
I mean, I see absolutely no reason whatsoever to visit this planet other than for exploring or for some mats I can also get on permanent worlds. Blink? For what? They need to come up with another use for the lucents or change the forging effectiveness of the lucent tools because I do not see the point of them other than perhaps a decorative block (and then blink, really now? ). One of the new fluids? Nah, got a bit already, no need to get some more, sure would love more but it would not be a reason to go.
I loved to go to exo worlds for the new colours, for the new possibilities it gave me to build but we have now seen so many exo’s with the same colours that it’s becoming silly.
I might visit it, just well, because I’m bored? I dunno, but I would love more reasons to visit exo’s!!!
Seriously ? WTF was this Planned? Thats one very strange Statement!
Corona ain’t beautiful. It’s a wildfire. Boundless already came out for PS4 on 9/11. Lol.
Just a reminder, I am buying goo kernals at the artisan paint shop. 90c each kernal.
I don’t know about you veteran players, but I a absolutely love this planet. I wish I could make a home on it.
I only had a few hours on this one, but I loved that gold was so plentiful. It was almost like Ceph or Lam.
This was definitely a great exo, miss it already!
(And looking forward to the next T7 hehe… maybe Rift next? )
Bam you recieved
YAY!! Thanks devs!!
I’ll try to map it if possible! But gotta get some Rift first…
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