Shimmering orb farm

Yea, unfortunately we don’t offer the opportunity for drowning. Such an over sight on our part, sorry everyone.


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i don’t offer that either is it needed? :joy:

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idk, i almost drowned in your growth farm not paying attention to my air meter xD


ah that figures. never really been to that part of the network, thanks


No problem at all and I know it’s up in the top of the post area but here it is again for reference to all what we offer.


Yeah, it said accessible through TNT Megahub and nothing more, so i’ve been running circles around the low tier part trying to find a portal named ‘Bob’s Regen Farms’ xD

Did end up finding other useful farms so no complaints there tho


Thanks for that feedback. Went ahead and made an adjustment to the description in the topic to clarify. Much appreciated.


people farming wrongly…
no need to even enter the water (even if you dont have a support friend)
just share the orbs
here’s an sample of how to get the most out of that farm.


wait, how are you regenerating the growth?


It appears there’s a partner. Team work farming.


You do know about the regeneration bombs?

I think the question its related to the whole regenerating :thinking:

Watching that video just makes me wish we could make the regenerate boon on totems. It would be like an aura of regen for a radius.

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Good idea actually :ok_hand: only if it doesn’t affect the loot option :thinking:

Instead of glow? That would be perfect if so

was wondering how you were regenerating with a lootstick and an axe, as i don’t have a third arm to throw regen bombs xD
guess i’ll just do what you do but pick up the loot at once later on

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Yea my choice would be.

Regen,mag and dura.

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I have my brother throw bombs the gain is then roughly 2500 orbs per 15min

I like it a lot

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For me, I add magnet to all farming tools. That way I can just keep regen bombs in one hand at all times. Especially since I use dura epic and persisting pies.

Magnet on shovel, axe and hammers for me.