I’d argue that it’s already pretty much already how olliepurkiss was describing it right now.
Opening a portal is an event. Especially when you get one at a good spot on a hub. I don’t know about the undertaking in resources, but in this very thread there is miners complaining it’s too expensive for them. And people in their right mind don’t craft their first conduits, they go buy them or trade it somehow with other people. A dedicated solo player can still do it but it’s hard. Exactly how it was described in the post.
You guys are doing a bunch of gatekeeping. Of course you see a bunch of portals in hubs. You always will. It’s an MMO everybody playing the game try to link up in these places. It really doesn’t mean it’s easy to get one.
The game is already grindy as it is.
We had a few community hunts before the meteor event which I ran. The amount of Oort received from meteors were much more than what we had during hunts. I’m not sure if they cut back on it, but that is what helped lead to an explosion of portals all over the place.
I think everyone isn’t against portals. We all like them and want them. We need a better way to get them for everyone that wants to play in a more diverse way and something that isn’t too easy to farm.
Blockquote Hunting meteors is also currently far more efficient at providing multiple gems per hour than mining is…
bull ■■■■!!! In an hour I can walk away with 200-300 diamonds fairly easy… in two hours of hunting with a Large group I would get maybe 25 diamonds…
There is no comparison actually mining is far better of course you need to understand the how and why and where to mine that many diamonds!!!
Just like you have to understand the how why and were for maintaining portals to be “Relatively Easy”
Blockquote I don’t hunt because I don’t like it. There’s enough portals around being fueled by people so that I don’t have to manage and maintain my own. So even less of a reason to hunt.
What I think we really need is the ability to put Permissions on Portals… So we can allow who we want thru those easy to make portals so people like you can just make your own easy portal!!!
Infact yes this is a better suggestion, Permissions for Portals please!!!
This reply contains a personal opinion on what game mechanics and interpretation of these by the players has leaded to atm…
I can tell you that most of the people partecipating in group hunt are guys who are leveling his character (first or secondary) as it is considered - rightly - the fastest AND easiest way to level up; this makes group hunting far less productive than what it would (should?) be… infact with @virresss we want to try a pro-hunt session, only with lvl 50 hunters, with pies/mega brews/damage augment as atm it feels more like a kindergarden. 2 hours hunting provide averagely 20/25 gems - that means that you can’t craft anithing with gems after a hunt.
In my mind if you group hunt for meteorites… meteorites it’s what you should be looking for, while as it is now meteorites is the “last” thing people are looking for - as they in reality wants to lvl up the character, loot every and each mobs, gather plants while moving… and the hunt goes so slow that i can fall asleep between a meteorite and the other, and people doesn’t stick together so you don’t get a high level meteorite.
I am absolutely not complaining on anything i have a lot of fun in group hunts, but if i have to read concepts like “hunting is loot-overpowered”… [EDIT] it simply isn’t true
If you remove gems from meteorites you will have people hunting in any case: they want to lvl up the character up to a certain lvl, then they reset theyr skills for other professions and you don’t see them anymore.
Probably the only thing with wich I agree it’s the high number of dropped Oortstones, that could be cutted hard by half.
I would completely impede the use of portals on a blinksec distance/level ratio… like: 1<lvl<9 you can’t use any portal; 10<lvl<19 you can use portals of 0 blinksec (in-planetary portals); 20<lvl<29 you can go use portals to lvl 2 worlds - 30<lvl<39 portals to lvl 3 worlds - 40<lvl<50 free to go wherever you want
totally agree
As said before group hunting doesn’t provide enough gems to craft a single weapon while within 2 hours you destroy the weapon you are using. If you see it this way, then you probably understand why hunting does provide materials that you can sell for money… it triggers the “supplier” profession: shopkeepers works like a materials catalyst.
The only way you can get enough gems to craft is: bomb mining; 2 hours a day for 4 days will provide you enough (say: 360+) sapphire to masscraft and get 50 gems - i used sapphire for this example, but diamonds are easier, emeralds are harder.
Again, bombmining is better than hunting, but you don’t run a shop with it, shopkeepers will always work as a catalyst of other people materials - and this is very good!
Mining and hunting shouldn’t be “in competition”, but complementary…
What do you mean? if you destroy the materials you want to gather that means that you are not bomb-mining properly, when doing it the right way you just destroy rock/sand/gravel… and you get so much exp and metals/alloys/coals that you go mining hte old way just to get rocks for decorative blocks crafting…
All of these are advanced tecniques wich are accessible from lvl 35 if you know what to do, that means that even with an advanced knowledge of the game, you will hit a “roof”, you will never be able to run a shop with gem tools/bombs/weapons/grapples and brews/food deco blocks etc alone and that is why we all partecipate in the great game of economy in a complementary way; taking oortstone away from hunters and give them to miners wouldn’t make anything better, as giving a way to get oortstone to miners keeping the actual hunters way wouldn’t make hunting or mining more appealing…
I am sure that new-players doesn’t have an easy way to get portals as 1000 power - 10 power conduits or 3 advanced + 1 normal - costs a lot of gems or a lot of money, so to get the point in wich you are able to get them your knowledge of the game it’s enough; making it something only guild-viable would be amistake… i would understand this only for very big, huge, enormous portals to very far planets; but for a 3 or 5 blinksec jump i wouldn’t limitate it - as said i would put a limit on usage of portals with a level chek
We might have an issue with people that are hunting now versus those that hunted earlier in the year when the event just started happening. The meteor event at the start was clearly over powered because of the amount of gems and Oort people started using for builds and portals. Now after some nerfing I assume the hunts might be a bit more balance…
Personally I am not sure because I haven’t done one in 4 months on the Live servers. So I cannot compare.
With Forge coming all the creature drops get more valuable.
I agree the meteorite itself should drop sth unique. Exactly this. Its own resource, not found anywhere else.
Maybe have some in hunts and some in mining. Most people will never do a hunt whether because they are loners, prefer building, or don’t want lag and rubber banding from large numbers of people. As is, I only get Oortstones from soloing meteors or finding dormant meteors.
First and foremost, mind your language - this is a family friendly forum.
What I meant by multiple gems per hour, is that you get every type of gem while hunting on one planet… not just diamonds. You didn’t find any Amethyst whilst you were mining diamonds did you? The hunters got a bunch, plus rubies, sapphires, emeralds, topaz etc. while hunting meteors without even leaving the planet.
This could work, but I have a feeling, with our extraordinarily helpful community, there will still be so many portals that would be free to use. Plus we can already put a portal behind a locked door and give permissions that way.
I like this idea, but I think it would cause uproar. Maybe give players that are too low level for a planet a major debuff which would act as more of a deterrent than an absolute “no”. At least that way, the lower level players could still join friends or a guild that had set up on a harder planet.
The issue is though, as a solo player, I can currently easily maintain 3+ portals on my own (I don’t have more because everywhere is so well connected already) - if every player were to do that, we then hit on the issue stated in the original post. The over-abundance of portals imo, also cheapens the experience for new players because they never have to make their own warp augment or warp to a new world again.
My other concern is that by allowing everyone to move so freely through the universe, you have new players racing through leveling up trying to get to an end-game that just does not exist.
I mean that, if you throw a bomb at a creature, it still just dies… it doesn’t disappear into nothingness… everyone can still loot everything that it is carrying - they still get the juicy goodness of the meteor loot at the end. With bomb mining, whilst better xp, you get nothing of the standard drops, just the juicy goodness.
The thing is, Oortstone was always intended to be a mine-able resource - so hunting has already taken it away from mining. My initial statement to that was to make it balanced, so that both professions could acquire it at an even pace (albeit slowly), not take it away from either. This statement stemmed from the need to balance the drops because the loot for hunting is for everyone at an even rate - there is no competition for that rare resource - all people hunting can get it - this then creates a rapid over-abundance of those resources and makes maintaining portals far too easy.
I’m sorry… It seems I don’t really get it
What is exactly you destroy when bomb mining? Cause i get everything, from coal to gems, the only thing i destroy are empty rocks/sand/gravel…
I think what he means is Rocks and sand are resources that can be used on their own to build or are components to other recipes (ex glass, storage blocks crucibles, decorative, refined and brick blocks. They are destroyed in bomb mining so you are not getting all the resources that are there. Gravel, well so far there are limited uses for gravel.
When you hunt, everything is a resource for something else (or the developers intend it to be for example the trophy items).
If I am wrong about what you meant @Stretchious I am sorry. At least this is what I see as the difference.
i think i know what you are talking about, but when i go for rocks/sand and clay gathering is different from when i go for coal-to-gems mining, i use 2 different kind of equipment and never do everything all together (diamond hammer for rock gathering, diamond shovel for sand/clay gathering… while sapphire hammer when bombmining)
in the same way as when i go for hoppers/roadrunners/surface plants/gleams gathering is completely different from when i go for meteorite hunting… this takes 2 completely different builds/equipment and skills (movement speed against resistance)
if you go meteorite hunting and meanwhile you go for everything… you would get and complete like… 3 meteorites in one hour?
at the same time while bomb-mining you still get the exp for all the rock/sand you destroy
I believe that mining has absolutely nothing to envy to hunting…
[edit] and by the way, when you go for real meteorite hunting, solo or group, you do not loot every and each mob…
I’d like to be able to set the permissions to my choice of:
Anyone (current default)
Just Me
Friends Only
Permissions Only (anyone that has permissions on the beacon the portal is in [if portal is split between 2 beacons, must have permissions for both beacons])
Level __ and up (dropdown selection or type 1-50)
Well… i certainly agree that portals are easy to make and maintain but this mainly is because the game has been there long time without decent wipe and ofc this is my personal thinking.
Theres many groups that do stuff together … build… hunt etc. Ofc you are getting better results by just grouping and putting "all eggs to one basket ".
also, giving a tought to the post-release phase, surely the first portals will be guild related! and then, with characters liveling up, you ll have again portals everywhere… so who will start playng at the kick off day will have a totally different experience than who will come later on, with all portals already done…
that’s why it should be really important to speak about this
I have mixed feelings about this, it seems sort of against the community spirit of Boundless to allow people to restrict portals. And it’s not like it costs you anything for other players to use your portal.
I guess if it did become a thing, I’d definitely want the compass to not show me portals I don’t have access to. I can think of nothing worse than climbing a steep mountain to reach a portal only to find out I don’t have access.
I agree with @ceresward … I does go against the grain with restricting portals but if it did ever become a thing then the compass would definitely need to reflect that. I’ve already done it a few times where I’ve trekked half way across a planet (ok, slight exaggeration) just to find the portal is locked behind a door. With a population explosion and the portal network eventually growing again that would be extremely frustrating especially if you’re stuck on a hostile planet.
Yeah, that’s happened to me too. I guess portal permissions could help with that, if someone really wants to keep others out for whatever reason it would be nice to not see it on the compass. Also I seem to recall seeing someone request a while back an option for their portal to not show on the compass, I guess to keep their base more discreet. Permissions would serve that purpose too.