Skill info when right click [might be already planned?]

So basically as the new feature where you can right click on a tool to see its properties, I thought it would also be cool if you could right click on a (un)locked skill, more specifically the Item Crafting and the Equipement Crafting skills, and it should just show all the items unlocked by learning the skill when learning it.

For example

when pointing at the Common Prop Recipies skill, this would appear, like normal, but when right clicking it, it would show me that when learning this skill, "It unlocks the crafting recipies for the following items:

  • Door Piece [Door]
  • Storage Block [Storage]
  • Storage Shelf [Storage]
  • Torch [Light]
  • Plinth [Furniture]
  • Lock [Lock]
  • Shop Stand [Trading]"

Although, this might be already planned by the develeoppers, I just wanted to give the idea if it wasn’t ^o^


Yes, this is currently being implemented bit by bit.