Skill points = Skill Cleanse Points

Seeing skill points Continue to stack up. Can skill points become skill Cleanse points? lol


I’m still hoping to get more skill pages :sweat_smile:

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I’d like to be able to rename skill pages.


I would like to see larger skill pages for more player depth which could utilize those points.

Creature ranching
Creature riding
Breath holding for underwater
Fish farming
Expert mining - 2x metals due to better technique
Accessorie crafter - rings, necklaces, amulets, wrist guards, with gems inlaid
Leather worker - make leather clothing and boots
Blacksmith - ability to craft wearable armor
Cuttletrunk wrangler - subduing a wild cuttle and using it to temporarily fly around.
Obsidian maker - ability to make obsidian blocks with a mixing machine fortified for lava and water mixing.
Meteor amplifier - skill that increases meteor spawn rate and difficulty by 1 lvl. Max of 3 for group.
War hammer skill - increases hammer dmg against creatures by 100%
Pouchmaker - skill that allows someone to craft backpacks. Or pockets on mythical pants.
Fortify - shield bearer takes optimal stance when wielding shield to mitigate dmg and knockback.
Star finder - use metal detector to find meteor fragments to collect oort stone. @james
Aquaculture - farming of aquatic plants