So... bored

I have so much I need to build, but zero motivation to do it. I have an excess of materials, so going out and farming more is just a waste of my time. Even this new “event” just requires me to farm more plants to make two different lamps that don’t really add to my aesthetic. It just kinda sucks that I hoped for something. Maybe dungeons, or something. I mean, even then, I’m just so bored.


I don’t think posts like this are particularly useful as it’s going to open up a heated discussion and flaming.

It’s ok to play other stuff though and come back when you want to play again , maybe after content that interests you is added.

I hate strictly come dancing but I don’t go to the forum to tell them this :stuck_out_tongue: I simply just try to avoid it.


Usually when I start feeling the bore… I go play some MTG, and grind out some packs.


Dungeons :roll_eyes: go play something else. One of the countless games that do have dungeons.


I see far too many posts on this forum telling players to play something else if they don’t like certain parts of the game, when what we should be doing is asking questions to find out why the game isn’t doing it for them.

So let’s stop doing that as of now, and start asking questions.

So @Chivlet, what sort of character level are you at right now? (you don’t have to answer any of these questions - it’s not an interrogation, just trying to get some background :slight_smile: )

You’ve mentioned Dungeons, how would you (and everyone else) see these working within the game?

When did you start feeling bored? Was there a specific event or moment you can pin point?

There’s so much more information we can get that would be useful for the games development, so please stop telling others to play a different game, and start asking questions.


Well, there is dungeons in Boundless, you can check this one for example :wink:


I’m no @Chivlet But I’m bored too.

I have 60+ (I think) miner, a 45 Hunter, a 44 crafter and some other low level toons that specialize in foods, or weapons, or tools, or forging.

Dungeons would be great, I’d love to see for example an Ancient Oort temple or tomb with not destructible blocks (preferably with randomize layout), that is filled with creatures, need to employ grapples (possibly even two, or forged ones, so I have incentive to make those). Filled with secrets rooms, where to open passages you need to struck some blocks with for example a specialized tools, like silver chisel. So that passage will be obvious, but way to open a door not so much. And at the end, a random but high end reward. For example a forged gem slingbow, or hammer, or grapple. Nothing too overpowered, but something that make your time worthwhile. And those dungeons could be instanced, and for example need a sacrifice of fresh blood to enter… just spitting out ideas :wink:

When did I get bored? I got lot of every harvest-able resource. I can craft virtually anything there is in game. And with just a tiny bit of luck forge it to the max when it come to tools etc. At one point in game, I was Viceroy of two planets (now only one, but in an hour of game play I could seize back another viceroy title for me). I’ve been to every planet, and mined high and deep on all the higher tiers. I mapped many planets, but now it just bores me. I’ve found places, where I can gather lot of highly seek resources in a short time. I’ve build a large base, tore it down, build bigger on T5 world, got bored, and build yet another even bigger base on T1. I’ve built a hammer that’s few plots high from refined iron and refined wood. I can successfully solo meteors (I think up to level 3) on a T5 worlds. And now i started to feel bored.

What would make me play more? Those spooky seeds will for few hours probably, until I get a full smart stack or two of them (not including those used for crafting). Dungeons or such would make me wanna play for sure. Higher tier planets and materials too (I’ve already gathered a lot of shadow orbs, fossils, and stuff for fresh living essence) would make me grind play more too. But beside that… I really don’t know. I will probably play from time to time, to fuel the beacons, and slowly finish unfinished details of my buildings. I really really do like this game, but because that I played it a lot, and… that may be why I’m already bored after two months ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Well I see far too many people complaining about games that are different from the norm and asking for generic features from countless other games. ‘Why doesn’t it have dungeons? Why doesn’t it have boss fights? Why doesn’t it have elves?!!!’

Not all games are for everyone. Boundless is the least boring game to me atm. Last thing I want to see in it is ■■■■ from other games I’m sick of.


I fully agree with you, people these days with their lack of supporting others is disgusting!
we need to make him feel at home, give him an alternative view of the game with new ideas

have people heard of the 5 Whys? to find the root cause?

Asking why 5 times: “the 5 Whys”, is a simple but powerful tool to use with any problem solving activity. It’s a technique to help you get past the symptoms of a problem, and to find its root causes. Simply ask the question “why” up to five times


I’m really happy to hear the game isn’t boring for you, Etcher, it’s not for me either but there are lots of things still to come.

So while we’re busy developing new features, it’s good for us to hear from a large range of players who like and dislike certain parts of the game.


I think this happens a lot with any game. People burn out because they play too much, too fast. I appreciate that we, the community, and the devs want to keep the game fresh and interesting for as many people as they can and all the time, but it’s not realistic. I think sometimes that’s why people suggest taking a break and coming back. I’ve done this twice since launch, and I’m still excited to play Boundless every time I log in. :slight_smile:


Well, to be honest, man, I’ve been playing this game since alpha. I have a to-do list that’s a mile long, but the tasks that I have set up for myself just aren’t satisfying. I’m 50+ (if it was counting past that, I’d be like 70+) on two characters and over 30 on the other eight. Alts aren’t really doing it for me, since I set up a little factory to grind out my early game feats and get over 30 (with Teaching Pies) with relative quickness. If I really wanted to, I could delete a character, and take another completely ridiculous name. Currently I have some gems; Hand. Head. Gas. Bojack. Craft. Etc… but, TBH, there’s no point in deleting and remaking characters. The skill sets as they are limit the usefulness and uniqueness of alts passed the point of 2-3. I make all the best foods, all the best brews, all the best tools. I have a character that is a max level miner, and breezes through resource gathering, which is great, and is working as intended, since I earned that. However, at a point, there’s nothing to do. Even if I get the rest of my build done on Cardass, there’s nothing to populate the whole thing. I wanted to build some facsimile of an NPC village, maybe not with NPCs, but at least to look like it would function as one. I think I’ve done an “okay” job of it, building it myself, but it still lacks the energy that I feel like it should have.

So, to make this point at my own expense, and much to @Etcher’s shagrin, I am bored. The game boasts many features that it doesn’t currently have, and I have made several posts alluding to this, but let’s just go with the big three. The ones that are literally the taglines of the game itself.

Build: Yeah. We can do that, and with the sculpting update, (however long ago that was) we can make some impressive things. But they all lack life and diversity. Designing out something that is impressive and large doesn’t actually use the space that it occupies. With the exception of major hubs and easily accessible / marked capitals, they don’t get any sort of appreciation. It really limits the world size and scope. Which actually feeds into the second point.

Explore: There is nothing to explore. Every planet, whether a T1 or a T6 offers so very little in that regard. Repetitive biomes and textures leave an overtly homogenized feeling. There’s no nooks or crannies that offer prebuilt structures or unique locales. The worlds feel flat, and once you’ve seen about 10% of the world, you could pretty much walk away knowing that’s all you need to see. Apart from filling the atlas, which provides a marginally entertaining distraction, there is no real unique resource or experience. The gems change, sure. The surface resource allocation may vary, but there’s no actual indigenous or exotic thing that grabs you. The exploration should actually get you enticed to do it. Some easy suggestions would be journal entries, that could be a line or two of text that explain how / why that region came to exist. Or even a beastiary that lets you see the different premutations of creatures. Something. Anything. There’s no story in this game, so there’s no imaginary exploration. There’s no reason really to delve into nifty fissures or caves, because there is no actual uniqueness. I remember reading that you guys individually curated each planet. Maybe you could give us some insight as to why you did X, Y, or Z.

Craft: Well, you guys got that covered. There’s a good and extensive list of things to craft. But… there’s nothing that differentiates my iron chisel from anyone else’s. There’s no brand. Again… no uniqueness. I feel like there’s a thousand other shops doing the exact thing I am, and apart from forging, I can’t make something that is truly a find. It’s just one of the many.

So, why I’m bored of Boundless, in a nutshell, or TL:DR: I feel like my impact on the world doesn’t matter, and even if it did, the world is so vanilla as it is, it just sort of blends into everything else.

Oh, and @Steggs101, to answer your questions, there’s a post that answers the dungeons question pretty well.

I can tell you the exact moment I got bored, and that was right after my friends stopped playing because they thought the game lacked content.


Would be nice if we had Minigames we could play in the game. Like able to actually use the Chairs to sit at the table, which could have say Chess on it and play chess with other players. Or Poker, or many other stuff. Like add some Playstation Home stuff! Stuff where we can do little activities in the game, like Play some Pool on a Pool board and other players can see and watch too. That would be amazing. Especially if adding more decorations, animations, games, and can get people to actually do roleplay stuff too.


That’s a really good write up, thanks for taking the time to do that and keeping it nice and constructive.

Everyone here always looks through forum posts, and I often point a load out to certain developers here to take a look at (without mentioning that on the thread itself), but I will (along with many other threads) point people to this. I’d also be interested to hear from other people as well, if you agree or disagree etc (just keep everything constructive and on-topic).

There’s a lot of room for more content in Boundless, the end game at the moment could certainly do with more, and even early-mid game could be made more engaging with some extra bits too. The good thing is that a lot of this boils down to having more stuff to do in game, from cool little bits of Lore to massive new features, and we’ve got plans for both of those and everything in between. It is going to take time, but we’re not going anywhere; we’ll be hard at work for the next few years getting more and more features (and fixes) into the game.

Thanks again for expanding on this, and to everyone reading, please feel free to share your thoughts (constructively). :+1:


Well folks, plying a game is much like making love. You can rush through to the end as fast as you can and then turn over and do something else. Unfortunately, you’ll get bored really fast and take up some other hobby. Or, you can be slow and methodical and enjoy every moment, making it last a long, long time and keep interested in it night after night.

Then it’s also enhanced greatly if you do it with other people. It’s a social game, after all.

That said, we could all do with more exploratory content from time to time. I mean, ancient temples (or abandoned headquarters or rocket bases or whatever). A mystery to leave speculation.


So those T7 planets, are they coming soon? :smiley:

What would also help me from getting bored in a few weeks would be simply more planets, more T5 and T6 would be a great start for instance! I know the amount of players isn’t high enough to support such things I suppose but if it helps to retain the ones that are still playing it could be a wise investment!

And yes, more new content besides T7/8 planets would be great! (and if you add higher tiered planets, please one of each in every region! well, US, EU and AU)

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Dude, although it’s a great analogy, this game and forums are supposedly be kids friendly. :wink:

You still referencing love making? Right? :crazy_face:


Bruh. I’ve got several other hobbies, a job, and a social life. Just because I get it done quickly doesn’t mean I should enjoy it less. There should still be some reason to come back. I’ve written lore for this game, given my ideas and tried my best to contribute how I could. But it’s not rewarding to me. Even if I was with a clutch of friends, (which I am, most times) it just is fundamentally lacking.

The higher tier planets are coming, I don’t have a specific date yet though.


Well for me it’s not boring yet, but I already feel I will get there in just a few weeks or sooner.

I have a wishlist of things that I would love to see added/changed, so here goes:

  • like I mentioned above: more planets, more places to find the same gem types
  • new planet tiers
  • change in how surface resources work, I get they need to be scarce but if I have a list of places to get my sweet beans, bitter beans, glow cap, exotic yams, etc. and I go there and 9 times out of 10 it has been completely picked clean by someone else is rather annoying. With the animals they keep re-spawning over and over, so if you’re hunting animal parts you don’t have such issues at all, not saying I want surface resources to respawn endlessly but something else, perhaps like with the looting of dead animals, 1 players picks a plant but it still exists for the players who did not?
  • not boredom/content related, but a change to the communication system is needed, I would like a group chat/PM to the people in the same settlement. Also being able to leave messages to people that are on another planet or offline would be rather awesome.
  • a more intuitive shop UI would be nice, having to walk past all shop stands to see if something was sold is not al that handy, all shopstands on connected plots on the same beacon in 1 screen would be awesome!
  • change in crafting menus, my crafter alt alway has a full inventory and still can’t take everything with her that’s needed often, a way to hook up specific storage boxes to ALL machines would be very nice
  • chaining of crafts, if I want to craft something but the machine is currently crafting one of the items needed allow me to queue it anyway, when making pies this happens a lot (Fortified Milk, then Butter).

There is more, but am hungry, so going to eat something first, will reply with more later!