So Many New Colors

Ahh missed that spot. Didn’t think that was necessary since there is already a spread sheet for the colors of the blocks that are natural.

I included the link to the spreadsheet in order to give credit to where I got the color list.

just made these and had them installed at my office in the gyosha mall


Wow, I hereby award thee with ten internets👏


Yeah even things like tangle can suddenly look very nice!

I’m keeping everything. I need more storage! :joy:

See, I knew you could do it! Well done!

Yes, the link I gave you earlier you mean? :slight_smile:

Tho have to say, I thought you wanted a list of the ‘new colours’ and not a list of the ones that were already available?

ducks :smiley:

this thread is hilarious.
Thank you all for some excellent early morning laughs. :joy:

All i’ve done with my gleambow fortunes is arrange them in like-coloured smart stacks.


Smart stack (1 each) :joy:

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Got a few more shots

Some very nice deep colors, as well as four whole pure white growth :heart_eyes:

How about some black roses?