So prestige huh? Especially lattice chiseling

First of all don’t actually care as much about it.
Second I scrolled trough several topics and posts and basically i only got more questions than answers. So im sorry if i missed it.

What i did find was diminishing values of repeated (same) block (color/type) usage.
And something a long the lines of chiseling not adding bonus but here i got lost.
(Shapes attainable with chiseling…)

So i have 4.831 plots divided over 15 separate beacons and lets say 50% are not used.
Of the used plots lets say 66-70% is chiseled in several different ways (Most shapes are doable with square and/or bevel).
All beacons are in my control.

Now what i am seeing (atm) is the lattice chiseling appears to be prestige wise pointless. Most of it divided over 9 beacons. And used way less then other chiseling work.
As i am looking here and again if pres goes up even a little.

  • So does or doesn’t it mater at all what type of chiseling is done? To add up to this limited.
  • Does the system only count in “used” plots and not “place holders”?
  • has “top view/close proximity” something to do with it?

Again I might have missed it and not aiming to get the max out of all that painfully chiseling I already have to do.
Also might not be the best way to test it out i know. :wink:
I am asking because i keep getting this question and would like to answer it as good as i can.
So if @james, @Leahlemoncakes or any other dev can enlighten me i would highly appreciate it. :wink:

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the prestige due to chiselling is bucketed by type/shape, and the lattice chiselled variations overlap with the others so if you already have a lot of other chiselling, then adding lattice chiselling on top wont necessarigly be any better than just doing more of the other chiselling too.

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Ok so basically lattice counts to square/bevel.

And the amount of chiseled blocks is it like a 50/50 thing in placed blocks then? Forgot to add that to the questions :wink:

[edit] i ment like if i placed a layer of blocks in a surface of 4x4 plots for example. Does it mean that only 50% of the can be chiseled the same way to add to the press. Or is it 50% of the plot volume for example.

Never mind im nagging again :wink: i got what I mainly needed to know. Lol.


Touching a block with a chisel adds a miniscule amount of prestige that can add up… I’d say you get credit for somewhere in the ballpark of 225 blocks. I don’t know if it’s per beacon or per chunk. Any further chiseling to the same block will not grant additional prestige. But at minimum every beacon has its own limit… 4 plots side by side by side on 1 beacon would cap out around 225 but 4 beacons side by side by side would each get credit for 225. I’d have to test and see if two locations 20 plots away could both get full chisel credit.

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I was under the impression chisel prestige acted on a percentage basis. Such as only after 30% or your individual beacon has been touched with chisels of any kind, then you get the chisel kicker to your prestige count.


whatever way it works there is cap on it - so whenever you reach that cap, any further chiseling is worth poo


I find its better to just play the game and not care about prestige.

I honestly wise prestige didnt display as a numerical value.


Thx boys and girls :wink: for the replays.
But as i said it wasn’t really for me and basically was about Lattice why it didn’t add.

But its like square and bevel chiseling. So it adds to those counters.

As % goes it will add gradually if you keep building. Thats the only thing you really can say😉 doesn’t really matter by how much.