Soo is the road map section gone

Does boundless still do road maps. I’m just waiting for more content before I come back and start over.
Also pretty sure my beacon ran out of fuel by now hope someone managed to get all my loot it was a good amount.

What do you consider good content? In the last several weeks there has been a considerable amount of content added; farming, lattice chisels and smart windows (real game changer for builders) and a host of QoL updates to everything from crafting to economy and exploration. Major economy update in the works now with global shop listings in the test servers now too, so I ask again, what do you consider “content” because we have had an incredible amount in a short period of time.


Yeah there have been a crazy amount of decent updates lately. Its like Oortian Christmas every time a new one drops :rofl:


This. :smiley: Last one alone - lattice chisel and glass panes - opens a huge amount of building possibilities. Plus, farming and placeable liquids, exos, ect. My problem is I don’t have enough gaming time to play with all the content as much as I’d like!


I’d say they’ve tried to stick to that roadmap, overall. Each smaller update feels like it’s bringing something to a different segment of the population so no one can really complain, maybe next big update we will see focused on combat? Who knows. I know that with this new test update once it hits live I may be able to bring back some of my friends that quit playing because it was too difficult to find items when shopping.

I’m very excited.


I’m involved with a few games right now boundless has one of the best building mechanics I’ve ever played. With that being said now I would like to see a major overhaul to the combat system to make it more enjoyable. I’m patiently waiting nothing wrong with the game as is. Just not enough boxes checked off in other areas to make me want to play it over other games at this time.

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