Spicy Bean Balance Issue or Text Issue

I am a little confused on Spicy Bean distribution and balance.

I didn’t notice this issue because I always had a backlog of spicy bean from collecting desert swords in the beginning of the game. I rarely use Spicy Beans because I don’t use protection food. However, they are a key ingredient in Paste Base.

When I ran out of my stores, I started to try and farm it and found that Spicy Bean (listed common crafting item) were harder to acquire than Sweet Beans and on par with Bitter Beans.

Spicy Beans drop rarely (0 - 1) off desert swords. But they only always drop on Trumpet Root which is on a t5 planet.

Sweet Beans drop always (1 - 3) off Oortian’s Staff T3 - 8 worlds, and rarely from Trumpet Root.

Trumpet root is not a common plant, but it is currently able to be found on Norkyna (T6) at the best percent. Hunting on a lower level planet to acquire spicy beans is tough, because they are a rare drop always, so you don’t gather many or their always drop plant is rare. Either way, hard to gather.

Conversely, you can go to a T3 world and farm Oortian staff’s and target gather sweet beans.

Is this intended? I would think the common bean would be easier to acquire, and not have its only true farm start at T5.


Don’t they drop also on the plants? I know you mentioned swords, but the rossa nox (or whatever it is called) I think also drops it. I go on hunting trips for various items on level 1 and 2 planets and in the sand/desert areas find so many that I have a lot of them.
I can’t go to the level 4 and higher planets, even level 3 are dangerous for me, But I have a lot of the Spicy beans and almost no Sweet beans.

Maybe this needs an update then?:


I believe the nox drops inky leaves and yams, with petals as rare drops.

Spicy beans ARE hard to target farm on low level planets; but fibrous leaves are in quite high demand so most people end up collecting a whole lot of spicy’s along the way.

Given that their other uses are very limited (beacon fuel is by definition not a high turnover item; nobody uses atmospheric foods*), the total number of spicy beans even gathered from swords across the entire population should still suffice our usage rates

*if you do use atmo foods, please let us know


I do agree with the rarity displayed and not just for spicy beans. Orbs are way out of whack with rarity too with shimmering orbs being in very high demand but very hard to get in large quantities, unlike shadow orbs which are ridiculously easy to harvest

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I have heard rumours the T7 planets may be coming out with the guild update when it occurs (I have no real evidence to back this, it is all heresay)…either way though when T7 happens the atmo foods might start being used a bit more routinely


I must be incredibly lucky in the spicy beans area. Did a test to see if what I thought I was getting was right. Went to a new planet, can’t remember the name, sorry. level 1 starts with a G and thinking of Gillis, memory problems.
In two hours as I wandered looking the planet over and collecting items I got:
22 Lamella
209 yams
168 fibrous leaves
33 inky leaves
45 opals
63 flint
2 rock salt
52 sap
5 bone
16 tallow
4 hide
4 milk glands
2 salttetre
3 fresh blood
1 wildstock eye
171 pulsating orbs
3 petals
21 meat
649 wood

And for the partridge in the pear tree I got 39 beans.

That is pretty normal for me, Right now I have over 700 spicy beans. I gather only on level and 2 planets mainly. Sometimes, for a short time but not much on level three, but generally when my son and I go mining and hunting for items we can’t get on level 2.
I have tossed spicy beans and the pulsating orbs when I need room. Along with flint and fibrous leaves. I probably need to start tossing the yams, I have close to 3k of them now.

Yea, of all the ‘common’ items that you can gather, the least you gathered was of spicy beans which are listed as common. Your Sap, Puls Orbs, Flint…ect you all go more of. Opals are uncommon and you even got more of those :wink: hehe

We all have a lot of spicy beans because they are used in very specific things. Unless you are mass forging, making a lot of beacon fuel or making protection foods…then you don’t have a use for them, so they add up.

I think their drop rate needs to be looked at.

Haven’t gotten into forging beyond iron tools, or making protection foods yet, just the basic meaty casserole and a couple of others. “Hoarding” just about everything except the leaves and opals that I do sell sometimes for coin to buy what I can’t get and must have for later items I can’t get; gold for example.
Yes, if they are needed in forging and to make needed foods to help players survive then the drop rate should be increased.
Wish someone wanted the flint.

I’m making a guess that some items that are useless but plentiful have been planned for needed in the future and that is why there are so many. I just wish they would increase items that are need now, and do a reasonable increase.

Why devs go from one extreme to another, totally confuses me. There are too few of this items, others get them and they don’t respawn often enough, so what happens, over kill in respawn rate. We have too much of this, there needs to be better balancing, so what happens, drastic decrease; do it in fourths or halves first. Sheesh.
Decreased footfall to every 24 days, should have gone every seven days. Spicy beans need to be increased to 20% in being dropped.

You’re gonna get a lot more of what you need using maxed luck and gathering epic. Actually would be kind of nice to have luck boosting foods and drinks

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Looked at my post and realized that I had meant to say “sweet beans need to be increased to 20% in being dropped.”

My brain has a problem in grapping words that I use often to replace words of something similar. Since I say and type spicy beans a lot, that is what my brain told my fingers to type, not the sweet beans. probably when I was tired or in pain when I typed that.

So, we need less of the spicy beans, But More of the Sweet beans, and probably of the others, I so far don’t have a need for them – yet.

I am going to bump this thread again.

Spicy Beans are still listed as common and a rare drop on desert swords. As someone that has to gather these materials this has remained an odd item.

0-1 off of Desert Swords
or 1 -2 on Trumpet Root

(above increased by luck)

There isn’t another common crafting item in the game with that spread. I realize that many folks may not be using the centerforge as much as I do…but it would be amazing if the drop chance on Desert Swords was increased to 1 (always).

It would make farming this common item…much more common :smiley: hehe


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Could you post screenshot examples of common crafting items against Spicy Beans to show side-by-side comparisons?

Are you running the gathering epic as well as max luck? The gathering epic boosts the drop rate from desert swords considerably (from about 45 to 65% drop rate) and if you go to a planet like Storis II and make a beeline to the nearest desert area you will find hundreds of Desert Sword plants… the only time I ever run my gatherer out of stamina as they are so dense. And as a sidenote, with the gathering epic + max luck you are guaranteed to get 2 every time from Trumpet Root.

But in saying all that, I totally feel your pain, they almost feel like a rare drop because there is no place I’ve ever found that has large numbers of Trumpet Root plants. I run a shop selling forged goods and I would basically have to run around smacking desert swords with an axe as a full time job to gather all the spicy beans I need. In the end I just gave up and started buying them, by offering a generous price in my request basket I now have a steady stream of beans coming in and I never run out any more.

Honestly, I never have trouble with these. Although i too would not mind if the desert sword drop was higher. I apologise for the plug, but I hunt them through our farm hub (accessed from the middle of the TNT Hub). Theres a link to phem and a couple placed on trung. Both are really great.