Sprint HUD indicator

Pretty much as it says in the title!

Can we have a little indicator on the HUD to say that sprint is on.

First reason, traveling long distances while swimming makes it difficult to know if you are going full speed, shore is too far away and not enough change immediately around you to tell easily.

Also, it would be useful if the sprint toggle stayed on until it was switched off, not automatically go of when I stop moving, or switch gear, etc. A HUD indicator would allow for this as people would know whether sprint was on or off!


I agree. I never know when im sprint swimming or slow swimming. Sometimes i have to just sink for a second and press it again so that I know i am sprinting. Some kind of indicator would be nice. Maybe even just having a different sound for the two speeds

For me I know because I either have no points in agility or max points in it and the difference is visible when sprinting and when not.

I totally agree!

while on a similar note, I would love it if there was a visual difference when crouching… a lower POV and an animation would be nice (I know those take time tho so thats understandable) or maybe just have the character bend their knees while standing until the full animations are complete
but the lower POV at least.

I’ve been wishing for this for a while. I’m always having to guess whether I’m sprinting or not; especially in water! Totally agree 100%.