Stand reset the sale price to zero


I write this post just to take a bug, I just lost (finally give someone unintentionally) 14,400 refined gleam, because I did not realize that when I choose and then validate the sale price , this is displayed for one second and then disappears to be set to 0.
This is still relevant because I did not touch the stand, it is on sochaltin I 717N -1667 E (alt 100)

at 14400 X0.6 I did not lose a lot of parts, but all the same, if it happens on an article which sells even more expensive I do not imagine the disaster. (8000 pieces is already a nice sum for me usually)

I have not fully read the forum to know if this bug has already been identified, sorry I use google translate to write and read English.

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Yeah that is very bad. I haven’t had any problems like this but I hope this gets investigated!

hope too, for now, like you see no dev contact, my stand still bug.

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Well it is a weekend

Hello @cornigeria. Before addressing the issue, which one of these shop stands is the affected one (or are they both affected?

From reading your post, this is what I understood (using an example I’ve set up in game).

You tried to enter the price as 0.6c:


But the game immediately resets it to 0c before your eyes:


Was this what you saw?

Hi @vdragon its stand from second picture.
it is the empty stand between the bow and the refined gleam . if you select the price, example 0.6, it will display a second 0.6 piece, and right after that automatically go to 0 piece, as it is currently.(before my eye yes) and that whatever the price indicated.

I have had this happen in the past as well when updating prices. If I break the stand and re stock it corrects itself.

@glxxmz I imagine, this is the reason why I did not do it, I do not have an absolute need for the stand, I prefer that it serve as an example to identify the bug and solve it. :wink:


I think have found the reason for the problem.
this is a punctuation usage error.
that’s all silly, but if I put a number with a comma “,” (as it appears in-game, however) then the price is reset.
but if you write the price with a point “.” then no worries of reinitialization, on the other hand the price is displayed anyway with a comma “,”


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In my version game ( text in french) price appears with comma “,” and not a point “.”

and when I want to change the price, it is written with a comma, and if I don’t delete it to put a point, then the price is automatically reset to zero.

and that’s what happened, i changed my price by only changing the numbers after the decimal point.
The game would therefore have to offer itself, when you want to change the price, a price with a point and not a comma.

it’s the same on all shop stands in french version.

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I was actually going to query if using a comma was the issue. But then the way you described it was as if the plinth itself was broken.

ERRATUM @vdragon @james

everything I say in the previous message is very real for all the shop stands, except for the stand referred to in my first message.
in this stand, it is impossible to validate a price with a comma instead of a point. the “confirm” button remains gray.
on the other hand if I put a point then as described above the price is displayed for a second then is reset to zero before my eyes.

broken shop stand identify.

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As you set the game language to French, am I right to say that you also use a keyboard set to the French ‘AZERTY’ layout?

@vdragon yes i use AZERTY layout.
and if I switch to “QWERTY” mode (Maj+ Alt) the same thing happens.

sorry for jumping in… but since you are using a price of 0,5, but if you set it to 1,5, it will reset to 1c right ? so not that it throws the whole price out, but drops everything behind the comma.
Noticed the same back in the day, would expect it to be valid with a comma no matter the client, as the input only allows you to write 2 digits after the comma in the input box.

Damn yes you are right,
with a comma the price always resets by erasing the numbers after the comma.
0.5 becomes 0
10.5 becomes 10
100.5 becomes 100

I hadn’t noticed since I only tested with 0 ^^

unfortunately this does not change anything at the stand which always resets to zero whatever the price, even numbers without commas.

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I had a look at this in game by setting the game language to French while also setting the keyboard layout to AZERTY. At the same time I had the On-Screen Keyboard app displayed so that I can see where the keys are located. On the QWERTY layout, the M key would be the comma key for the AZERTY layout.

What I found was that when I entered “0,6” using AZERTY, the value would be changed to zero, as you said.

When I entered “0.6” (again using AZERTY), the value is changed to “0,6”. So yes, there is a bug here, which I have entered into the database.

In the meantime, the workaround for you would have to be entering “0.6” using the AZERTY layout for it to be displayed as “0,6”.