State of the BL economy

All the malls regularly have Oortians skitter-grappling about. As for economy, even bean hunting pays well and AoE tools only cost 5,000-8,000c. What a time to be alive!

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How often do yall hunt?

Also- last thought on this matter- I think a massive improvement to the economy would be the implementation of some totally unique and customized items.

THIS (Iā€™m not even filled with ideas how to implement this but Iā€™m looking at a stack of the same item and canā€™t even paint a dot on them to tell which is the solidifier, which is lattice, etcā€¦ but thatā€™s just winging out one idea. I think thereā€™s a yen for customisation at the block level and smaller.

Mods will flood this with creations but that benefits a small few.

Well I live on Houches I population 2 lol


Thats my reason for not restocking often!


We were hunting 2-3 times a week but attendance slowed down for a couple weeks. I never seem to be on at the right time for other hunts.


I found two daily hunts that work for me; what a drop in stress itā€™s been to have a rhythm to work with :slight_smile:


Shops also end up empty b/c if your price is what big spenders want to pay they clean out the stands, otherwise stuff doesnā€™t move.

Iā€™m using this post because I canā€™t add any more replies until someone replies to me. :p.

In general Iā€™ve found so much gets more intricate and interesting to balance (like in real life, thereā€™s ten thousand ways to eat a shoe) as I attempt to figure out if I have to suck at this or that particular thing forever or are there things still to learn, etcā€¦ so when big overhauls of the systems are requested over wanting this or that feature itā€™s a bummer b/c I donā€™t want a less messy setup with fewer opportunities to figure out something unexpected if you combine bla with bleee with bloo - Iā€™d rather the systems in place were tweaked, features added, whatever, but omg I really hate overhauls being demanded over specific things that could be addressed with the existing system. I think we need augments available for more things in life tho, maybe even for taking the existing potions and foods and toools and such and adding augment/aggregate/combine(with something to balance this) augments to these items to increase the diversity of possible ways to set oneself up for xyz activity and specialise if desired in very specific things possibly at more power or with some upside like durabiility, better aim, creatures not being able to figure out who is attacking them, etc.

As long as Iā€™m here, I cannot detect the slightest difference after drinking a mega calming brew. What effect am I looking for (Iā€™m happy to keep trying if I could see something to notice is diffferent, the idea of the brew fits my preference for sniping more than shotgun blasting).

Iā€™m also talking about tools and such, and maybe we should have real camo body paint be one of the levels of armor or have it have some other effect that lessens damage done to oneself by critters. But Iā€™m also putting together what I hope will be a tougher hunting skill page than my healer-shooter-shovelgatherer (good lord PLEASE let us brew or craft or quest our way into a fifth row in our personal inventoriesā€¦) and find out if the various focus/rage things get me closer to where I want to be (which would be able to back up while shooting a wildstock that actually dies after less than a dozen shots to the face).

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Iā€™m building a comedy club at Olympic Farms on Pheminorum; itā€™ll be called The Virus