Stop the gleambow fighting please

There is also 20 different planets beside gleambow ones where you can uae augments.

I mean heres my counter to your
“why you pick 1 out of 50 regions”

why dont you pick “1 out of 1000?”


Well the non gleambow qualified planets spawn reg meteors for one… two why cant others use the 199 other regions that the gleambow planets have to offer?

I can understand if the groups was taking over the entire planet but one of the 50 regions shouldn’t be an issue

If these guys are running into spawn limits it’s been affecting the entire planet. And pushing ‘natural’ hunters towards them as well.

Just to be clear I see people I have had both positive and negative interactions with on both sides of this one. I’m also pretty familiar with the need to defend oneself against a forum post that wasn’t directed at you, because you were doing the same thing or something similar.

Now that people who enjoy the drama are in the middle of it stirring the pot it’s all pretty funny.

Still a bad show of “the community” as a whole but what’re you gonna do :rofl:

Gleambow, every time …

Not honestly sure if this is better than strictly players frustrated with the devs but it sure does confirm my thoughts about what’s going to happen with PVP implementations.


So you take that @Jaidic s " we were here first on my platforms " stand.

This is open event.

I cannot stop you being there .
You cannot stop me being there.

This whole thing is beyond stupid.


But are you there buugi? Because no one has actually seen you .

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Im everywhere

Edit. Btw. Next time when you or whoever decide to discord pm someone about me at forums maybe do a little script for it. And use those little emojis too those are fun :poop:


Who said I was stopping you from being there? lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: … all I was doing is countering your

“why you pick 1 out of 50 regions”

why dont you pick “1 out of 1000?”

Not here to cause drama just want to enjoy the game…

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I have a new theory. Boundless could be a social experiment hosted by @james for his ph.d. thesis in psychology. Maybe he is studying social dynamics in online setting. Introducing x factors that throw the community in different directions and seeing how they react. Hmmm, quite an intriguing theory. :slight_smile: (just a fun joke james, no harm intended).


I suppose in a way it is an experiment of sorts to see if the community could handle summoned meteors.


Ye i just wanted to recap for you if you dunno what open event means.

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You lost me with your edit I have no idea what you are talking about

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I know right… you dont even have discord right

I would if I could isolate who exactly did it.

Despite that I think I’ll resort to farming gleambow sacs and meteors on Xa Frant. I had good time there being Spider-Man lol

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To be clear tho: those few bad apples are on both sides!

Before anyone thinks only one group is meant here and feels offended!

And then complain in the forums about the community, I know them well! Sadly

That is crappy behaviour to knowingly do all this.

Shall we test the theory tho? Until you do it’s just a theory. Tho, admittedly I am sure once the people purposefully doing this know on which planet you are they will do the same indeed, but to use it as a justification for your planet choice doesn’t fly with me :wink:

Still, quite a few unknowing players in forum and in game chats seem to feel that it is the problem in the way they are spoken to.

Look, I get it, I assume it can be annoying af (even on a sac hunt and people smashing the gleambow up in mere seconds ticked me off, lol) but please control yourself, don’t react by using bad behaviour yourself.

I still do not understand why you have chosen to do this on Circ, it’s for one the busiest of the 4 planets, not even gleambow related, just due to TNT being there and many people using their hub, but it’s also one of the only 4 that has naturally spawning gleambows.

Yes, no normal ones. But what happens when you incidentally get a normal meteor near your summoned gleambow one? Well, you get killed and/or lose the gleambow one. How often would that happen you reckon?

Now how often have you summoned a gleambow on Circ and none spawned because the planet reached it’s limit?

Would you say the chances of both causing a loss of a good gleambow augment would be about the same? If not care to elaborate why you think one has a higher chance to happen?

As for only 1 in 50, well, like someone else already mentioned, the things can be seen in many neighbouring regions so it is to be expected that others will chase them. This won’t happen by accident on a non-gb planet (yes the trolls will still do, I give you that but that’s a separate issue I feel).

Then you get people on both sides that can get annoyed, words are being said which aren’t nice, people don’t feel happy as a result, etc.

Plus, let’s not forget, you are spawning so many of them that some seem to not work, which means you hit the limit, which also means you prevented quite a few natural gleambows to spawn…

So no matter what, my opinion is that it was a bad choice to do this on Circ, it would’ve prevented quite a few unhappy players. Wasting augments would still happen on either planet type, either thru the small chance of a normal meteor falling next to it and causing you to lose the gleambow or wasting one by being over the planet limit and thus also losing one (tho the latter might feel different, the end result is practically the same).

It’s only a few more days tho, so let’s not change it and try to be nice and considerate to everyone, this is for everyone who reads this, not about the topic starter or you Fante who I am replying to…

I will meet you guys on platform 8 in a bit tho! Is it handy BTW to bring my PC char which is then just idling there to get higher level meteors or are there plenty of people anyway and that is not needed?


Xa Frant is desolate. Its perfect.


The more people the bigger they are should get gleam meteors with over 2k+ gleam if enough are there. I outlined the reasons for circa the main one is people need the natural meteors for it to be self sustaining 24/7 and we are trying to attract new gleambow people minus the few trolling people. I personally haven’t had a negative interaction with anyone but I generally offer augments when people smash the meteor i spawned so they can go chase their own rather then attacking the the groups. Jaidic earlier today was launching meteors one after another for the randos. Once you get out here and see how helpful everyone is you’ll see how the forums are not a good representation of whats happening out here.


I went over just now, I was there for a few, even did one myself, got a glass one on first try, nice!

But ehmm, I find the other way of play much more engaging, I need a tad more excitement I suppose, haha. I will come back tomorrow tho and help out and spawn one or two as well, but am also gonna chase 'm the old fashioned way!


Yeah some people like the good old fashion way and there is 0 issue with that. The portals however really help newer players that struggle with grappling to get to their own meteors


Honestly, if I’m out and about and a gleambow meteorite spawns, I’m going for it. And if you get people yelling to stay away, honestly you’ll be ignored. It’s a race. And whomever gets there first gets the spoils, regardless of how it spawned.
Not my problem if you get your underwear in a twist over it…


That has nothing to do with what I said, I was told to move and rebuild which is considered harassment and against code of conduct because it has been pretty relentless on the forums. I said we were here already with our builds, forcing us to leave is against the rules