Strangers warping to a beacon, which setting is on and off?

Which setting do I need to have, to stop strangers warping to a beacon.

When the beacon says strangers cannot warp to it, does this mean I need to click it to set that setting, or is this the setting it is set to? Thanks.


Only people your character in same account or who you grant permission to can add the beacon to his beacon list.
But you can’t stop others recording coordinates in your beacon area and warp to here

Thats not true, the beacon has a “strangers can warp into this beacon” option which Karrade is asking about as the GUI is a bit confusing on what the current setting is.

With that setting, even if you have coordinates saved in the beacon, you cannot warp into it.

Karrade: honestly… not entirely sure :smiley: it is certainly a confusing bit of gui. @olliepurkiss


I believe when it says ‘Strangers cannot warp into your Beacon’ on the button then strangers cannot warp into your Beacon… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: It’s pretty confusing though. There’s an updated design for this, which should address these issues and clarify what the options actually mean. Hopefully coming sometime soon.


Thanks for the help. The UI update sounds helpful for new folks.