Suggestion: daily exploration quests

To help encourage exploring and shopping, maybe offer people daily cubit rewards for logging on and exploring five randomly chosen, changing planets. I do think daily logon rewards help games a lot, and are strangely missing in BL.



Dailies feel too much like work…

Ah dang, I got me there.

+1 for the idea.

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Define exploring.

Is it a reward per world? Cause some worlds can take 3 hours to explore and 15h for a daily quest sounds alot.

There should be a reward for exploring a somewhat randomly chosen settlement on a planet. The quest should give the settlement’s location, and you just go there. Would be a nice way to encourage people to enjoy others’ hard work. And it would also generate some footfall for that settlement. Perhaps as a daily or weekly quest.


Oooo… Like a scavenger hunt!

I like the idea of being rewarded more for exploring. It didn’t seem like the xp alone was worth it.

May I suggest not naming specific settlements to avoid ppl crying favoritism, or in case it’s a lone wolf who doesn’t want visitors. Just “X settlements on X planet/s”

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I really like this idea. Extra coin for taking the time to explore, and extra footfall for all. This would especially benefit out of the way settlements.

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Could have a way to opt in…? Even if you want someone to visit your single piece of gleam on refined ancient wood :joy:

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I agree, daily quests are a great idea.

Just a way to encourage people to visit random settlements, giving us a reason to see new places and a footfall boost to remote settlements :slight_smile:


Love this idea. Checking out random settlements is fun but not all that rewarding at times, and sometimes you may just avoid some planets or whatever and not even know what you’re missing out on.

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If you want to reward people for visiting places then swap footfall to the player that visits the beacon versus the beacon owner.


Haha, that’s basically the idea