Suggestion for Maintaining Color Rarity and Rental Planets to have more color options

A lot of good perspective here! Also, thanks everyone for keeping it positive <3


I honestly don’t agree with that, as eventually all colours will become available - it may take longer than most people are prepared to wait, but it will happen eventually.

There are many other ways the developers can introduce rarity without stifling creativity.

I know if I were marketing the game, I would want to showcase amazing creative, colourful builds… not with multiple views of display cabinets where someone had managed to collect 1 of every colour.

I know this is going off-topic, but one thing that has bothered me in all of these discussions and something that I really, really wish people would stop trying to do, is push those that don’t want colour scarcity off to creative, with statements such as “Sounds like you want creative” or “You should just wait for creative”. It’s incredibly dismissive and shuts down conversation - all that does is give people that want colour scarcity a voice and shuts down any opposing view.

I also want to take this opportunity to make something abundantly clear… Wanting all the colours, or even just specific colours, to build with is not the same as creative.

In creative, you don’t have to work for anything (other than forging)… you can pretty much get everything you want to build with in seconds via a menu. There is no achievement, other than building. Creative strips away every other aspect of the MMO.

I, like so many others, like the other aspects of the MMO, even those things I don’t take part in. I like to grind for the things I build, I like crafting, I like the progression that comes with all of that. I like the sense of achievement it gives. I like building with/near others that also like those things. I don’t want creative. I will not play in creative.

@tagris whilst I think your idea is well thought out and a good attempt at a compromise, I personally just can’t agree with it being a solution as it still blocks off 50 colours to the community, meaning your statement (below) doesn’t ring true. Players cannot get whatever they want if a colour they desire is one of the 50 that is earmarked as rare.
