Suggestion to devs-meteorite ichor

I haven’t seen any for sale for cheap… so it seems to have intrinsic value; meaning people find that it could be useful… If nobody wants to use their ichor, I’d gladly buy up the current universe stock at 50c each - that’s double the mint value :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It will be nice to see how this market finally shapes up. I ran a mass of amalgam when i was still counting recipes for the feats but now it just sits in the cabinet next to the rest of my ichor.

those who ratpack know it’ll have value one day. And we still won’t sell it :rofl:


People could also choose to stop playing, Which the majority did, probably because they burned out from Oort.


People wanted to be able to put compact Oort into a portal. Nobody asked for a very rare, expensive, only on T7 dropping material, that decreases the efficiency of Oort.

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More ways to use a resource is good in general, imo.

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I can see how people would want this but just because an item isn’t used doesn’t mean it isn’t balanced ok in my eyes. From the cost side… but I could see that maybe the resource distribution of the ichor isn’t right and needs work. I don’t look for it really but could see that they made it too rare.

For me there was nothing wrong with portal costs or time limits. We could have used maybe a perm layer to help people with fueling but the times are ok. People need to create less larger portals and build the groups to keep them running or cut down on what they have. Portals hubs are a convenience from how I see things. The huge amount of portals people run is their decision. Cut back if keeping them fueled is too much of a strain.

The post I did on this subject was not to make it easier to fuel portals for those that have many. It was to 1) make it so coin could be removed from all warping 2) ease the ability to keep some portals fueled for very small and casual players 3) remove the single requirement to get Oort via meteors (which many people don’t like or are tired of).

My assumption was that portal amounts were off the table and maybe rebalanced with another set of conversations that are separate from how we obtain Oort. In other words, the amount of portals a person or group should run should not be linked to the “supply” of the resource but instead to a set of reasons or technology, etc.

It is an emergent game play service for sure. The criticality is really subjective. If coin was better achieved by everyone then people could warp more themselves. The same if we made Oort mineable and shifted the model. Plus some other changes could easily make hubs not as important in the game but who knows if those even happen or need to happen. People need to get around to get colors and a few things - adjust that and a person doesn’t need to leave their planet as much.

The original designs were not to connect the whole universe directly really. It was expected or hoped that areas would remain more isolated and that “trade” and other types of things would happen between players in smaller type of channels - not tons of shipping lanes (portal networks). That was what the game was trying to create. Portals were special not common. [And for those asking or challenging where I got this detail - it came from a conversation when I was talking about mineable Oort.]

I am fine for evolution of things myself but don’t think it should be done in ways that help everyone and doesn’t create power blocks or center of the Universe city requirements, etc.

They wanted longer portal timers so they didn’t have to do as much work running around to fuel them. Which in fairness is probably the least amount of work in all the stuff in portal management.

Those people didn’t want to change their portal designs or how they managed their networks or anything else. They expected the Devs to give them longer time for the same material costs.

That isn’t a good expectation on any level to have when there are other options and it is a self induced problem.

That makes sense. If my suggestion is not quite accurate, how do you think ichor might be more useful or valuable for use?

Honestly I wouldn’t be the best one to ask since I didn’t see a need for the item. Now that we have it I can see it being used maybe in more advanced fuels or something to enhance spark. Personally I think the whole electric/power system needs a revamp to be cooler.

In regards to portals I like things that drive more cooperation for larger arrays of hubs and simpler solutions for more solo/casual play. I think the game is too technical in some areas and drives away fun through grind.

noone uses the metor ichor / oort amalgam
or just shouldn’t use that…
'cause its the only recipe where you make a lost

yes the portals are fueled for a longer time
but if you take the same amount of
normal oortshards you used to craft oort Amalgam
the portal could last far longer, you just need to refuel more often.