Sunken City of Love is dying now... I give up

So late comers can still build up huge settlement’s by asking permission to build within the example given of 3 plot buffer? To receive the settlement’s prestige benefits of higher footfall? Without permission this will create mini settlements next to the large ones correct?

Thanks for that james, I was wondering if it would potentially create a lot of wild strips in between, which I assume could still be farmed for materials and would regenerate.

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You could take in account activity, longest gameplay, and prestige for the Mayor of a City and give hime somewhat more power.
Like the ability to see other beacon expire dates within the city.
So just “infotainment” rather then actual changes to someones plots.

I think one challenge with cities like this would be: what if you have a mix of active & inactive players? Someone who’s quit or is taking a break (but still has active beacons) would effectively hold expired plots hostage

(tying something into the guild system that gives guild admins some way of granting plotting permissions to any plot within the buffer, might help, if that’s not already planned)