Table with Checklist Displaying all Colorable Items in the Game VS all Colors?

Has anyone ever coded an app or part of a website that gives you a table of all colored items in the game across a list of all colors in the game, and allows you to check off when you get a new color of a specific item (also also possibly allow filtering specific items or colors for ease)?

If not, I might have to try and make something like this. I enjoy collecting as many colors of as many colored items as possible, and I find it very difficult to keep track of it all in-game.

I realize it could probably be easily done in a spreadsheet, but spreadsheets have limits in terms of customization / how nice they look.

Searchable. I use this daily as long as the site is up.
(personal connectivity. The site is fine)
Came across this one here in the forums recently.
No checklist (I don’t think, not sure, just started using it)
Also this one.

Sorry if you’re familiar with all of these. And probably more out there I’m unaware of.


These are all wonderful, but I’m looking for something where I can check off colors I know I own and then will know what other colors I need to search for.

It would help for when I’m searching shops and such and don’t know if I have a specific color.


I don’t know of something that does exactly this, but it would be pretty easy to code one using Boundlexx.

It was kind of what I wanted to work on some tonight. I was in hopes someone already did it though :stuck_out_tongue:

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And its in french ! C’est en français!

Something like this but with every colourable blocks ?

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Actually, yes! Very similar to that. :smiley: I’m thankful that one lists them by number as well because that’s how I store my colored blocks. But possibly a bit nicer-looking rather than just a spreadsheet (for my own eyes’ sake). And also filterable so it will only display one specific item or one specific color if I like (or type in “shadow” and it will show all shadow variants, that sort of thing).

I realize it’s a big ask and I was honestly just curious if this was something that already existed. I’ll probably try and make it myself eventually when I have time to.

I can add the colored block quickly to this then you can do w/e you want with the spreadsheets. There’s already a filter incorporated in google sheets.

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Thanks a lot my dude, that’s immensely appreciated!

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You’re a god. Thank you.