Testing 224: Farming! (continued)

No… absolutely not…

… ok, yes :roll_eyes:


you’ll just have to plot down one. that way you can also start a drip farm underneath.


I agree with Jeff on this one. I really like this idea. It’s still far less complicated than working out chiselling, for example, and actually really fits the Boundless gameplay of “Work out or ask the community what the right way to achieve the goal you’re aiming for is and what the right tool for the job is, and just do that”.

While I can acknowledge that there is a select group of people who think everything is fine as it is, I do believe that giving people more freedom to play the way that they want to is almost always better.


I don’t have a problem with a challenge like that, in real life you have to be careful what you plant nearby. As long as there is give and take that would be okay,

I can just compensate by having a larger crop area if silver is nearby to make up for the loss, as long as it isn’t a huge loss.


Now the Question is…
natural silver /Copper/xyz or crafted…

Sure. It would be like putting gears on a bicycle.

Shift to the big gear - your legs move faster but you push less
Shift to the small gear - your legs move slower but you have to push harder

That’s awfully complicated for a cyclist to figure out in the middle of traffic. Just imagine if you put gears in an automobile!

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As someone who has entered road cycling events, it is not an easy thing to wrap around your head what you ideal gear ratio on your bike should be, there is a reason Shimano Ultegras come in 6 different tooth counts before factoring the front rings.

Car gears a easy, 1-6 and a reverse gear.


In America there is only 1 gear in a car, called ‘D’.

Lololol Automatic much?

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Well yes and no, because we still have manual shift cars. They’re just less popular. And automatics still shift gears, they just do it automatically


Not to mention D1 and D2 and R which are all separate gears hahahah

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Just updated again. @james will be along with release notes in a bit.


The word “Yield” is never used in regular American discourse. Neither is the word “discourse” hah.

For a yam plant,

Increases Seed Drops, decreases yam drops

Makes more sense IMO.

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Given, at least from what i gathered, @james is british, he is allowed to type that :slight_smile:

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huh… what part of America you in??? :). I hear yield all the time in the giving results context and not just yield to someone on the road. :slight_smile:


With the exception of “yield” signs and perhaps if you’re a farmer, in California, I have never in my entire life heard anyone use that word when referencing the amount of something they gained.

It’s just not gamer vocabulary. When you do loot runs in your favorite RPG, no one ever says, “Hey what was your yield?” Never heard it in Trove either.

Instead you hear, “Hey how much did you get?”

I was born in the 80’s, for what it’s worth.

In foodservice you check your yields for condiments when doing inventory counts. You don’t want too much or too little ketchup going on peoples cheeseburgers.

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I definitely hear yield used in context of “product,” and I live/work in Seattle. “That survey yielded yadda yadda results.” That kind of stuff.

Edit: Not that this is a serious topic of conversation :stuck_out_tongue:


Just chiming in to say the east coast of US does indeed know what yield means in this context


Neither of those situations could be considered regular American discourse, and certainly not part of the vocabulary of most people under the age of 18.

You don’t say what your “yield” is when getting popcorn at the Movie Theater.
You don’t say what your “yield” is when you get candy on Halloween.
You don’t say what your “yield” is when you go grocery shopping.

It’s primarily used in a professional context, but even then, it’ll depend on the workplace.

It’s an awkward word, and the devs are right to question the possibility they may introduce confusing terminology into the game.

Anywho, not a big deal.