Testing 241: Beacon Reclaims!

If this is the case,Its nothing related to the new patch release I think. Because people can always write new bots for every contents. I saw people using the gleam as example for exploit, this why I respond the issue. If grinding gleam and making gleam product for money is not consider as exploit, then I think we shouldn’t worry too much about exploit for this reclaim update. Unless its something will hit current econ seriously.

Also i am not too sure about the standard you guys have for consider something as exploit because using huge amount of gleam product to exchange money is really similar as crafting stone to exchange exp. Its something we need to balance I think.

What’s being exploited isn’t so much farming gleam as it is selling the products to the minter for massive profit. It’s this value that I personally can’t believe hasn’t been dealt with.

So long as minter values are static and as high as they are for things like gleam doors and raw exotic earthyams, someone’s going to find some way to “exploit” something…

But the minter values of gleam doors and refined gleam was lowered a heck of a lot because of this???


Oh was it? I’d not seen any sort of devlog for the nerf. I tend to not abuse game mechanics so had no real way of knowing and was expecting there’d be some announcement or devlog or something about it.

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Thanks @AeneaGames and @almund! Missed that!

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I am personally very excited for the spark changes to allow it to be sold as a base item. A lot of items that couldn’t be sold before are now able to be used. Wood as an example.

I farm wood to get sap/bark for my store. The wood part is great spark…but no one would buy it for that at a good price.

Now I can turn it into spark as a part of farming it and then sell it! Less waste. Exciting! <3 Can’t wait for this update.


I think one free reclaim per month would be an awesome idea, +1 like so devs will see ^^

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Urrgh that’s a nope from me. Would take me 6mth just to get rid of some old builds. Being able to remove beacons very easily might even convince the people who have abandoned builds on every other planet to take them down as it’s now easy to get materials back without smashing everything up


All reclaims free, thanks… Solve abuse in another way once we see people abusing it…


I agree. I hope reclaims are left accessible to encourage this.

Also, maybe add the ability to reclaim a build from menus. Or give people free warps to builds they haven’t visited in the past month (to prevent abuse)

It would be great to get rid of some of those 1 plot unbuilt beacons that are years old (the biggest problem with gleam club).

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So when is release just kurious redecorate ma Workshop time (^-^)


We’re just in the process of adding some massive :cookie:s and :lobster:s. Once done it’ll be ready to go!



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Maybe lobster rolls and bisque for underwater breathing?

Yea. Let’s get fish farming and stuff. I want to put a shark in someone’s pool!


Did Someone say :cookie: s (O.O) James-chan Baking :cookie: s me can’t wait (^-^)


And claw hands! Think of what we can do with cutty claw hands!


Cutty claw-hands, confirmed