Testing 245: Sovereign Worlds!

Not so much found as agreed on. There was never a big blocker to making it work; just that work is needed to “make it work” and the simpler solution to get things out the door was to disable until we could work on it. (I used “work” too much in that sentence…)

rule implementing now [ probably nicer solution, but also easiest implementation wise ] if the world your home is on is deleted or locked (or you lose visit permissions), then “warping home” (including after death) does the equivalent of a “warp to world” to the world your home world was attached to for free (in a way that cant be exploited by hacky hacking). If you are in the “super edge case” of you did a “return home” after death, and then whilst in the sanctum your home world is locked/deleted… then your warp will be cloudy and you’d have to restart the game or use the warp on the other-side of the sanctum to manually go home “again”; this time opening up to the attached world


Thank you thank you thank you for this!!

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I really like that warping has this. Is there any chance to improve search so that when typing name of planet it locations and beacons of that would show up? Now it checks given name.

Usually I name my beacons having planet name but improvement is always improvement :smiley:


Oh wow! Thank you so much for this! This was the one thing that I didn’t like so far of sovereign worlds and since nothing was said anymore I was afraid it would be postponed until after launch!

Such a relief!

(perhaps a slight edit on the patch notes above is in order?)


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