So… what kinda prices are we looking at for a few of these?
yes i wanna know
10 black gleams a month
a million coins a month
FINALLLY something to put my hundreds of millions towards
It seems the onlyfans account working wells for you.
Thanks I was looking for a gif like that
Why did that get flagged
You scared him off
There is a blinding flash of light and if you look into the sky you see a rip forming in the very fabric of space. As you continue to watch a planet slowly passes through the rift. It seems to settle in orbit around your home world and you now notice a scroll laying by your feet. You pick it up and read it. It says. . .
This world is yours.
Do with it as you wish.
But like all things, it is not without its limits and its dangers.
Now travel to this world and make it your own.
James is typing again
$7,50 i recon xD
Nice one
I reckon he’ll ask for about tree fiddy.
I’m all about this dog lately
James typing the private Worlds are Broken already nooooo lol