[testing] Wrong guild showing in character guilds list

I requested to join two different guilds. I first requested to join The-Hyphenators, I then requested to join Portal-Seekers. Portal-Seekers accepted me, but my request to join The-Hyphenators is still open.

My membership is shown in the Portal-Seekers Guild Control, but my character Guilds list doesn’t show Portal-Seekers at all, and instead shows a request to The-Hyphenators and that The-Hyphenators are my primary guild.

I show up as a member of Portal-Seekers on the Guild Control:

My character guild list is wrong:

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I want guilds really bad, but I’m starting to hope they aren’t added with the event update tonight/tomorrow. :confused:

The Oortmas event is already on live - it’s just on a timer. Guilds functionality is a completely separate release.


Is this still happening? I haven’t been able to reproduce the issue, although the testing branch has been updated more than once since then.

I can not reproduce this with a new character. I suspect this is a holdover from the other issue that allowed aligning a beacon to the ‘None’ guild while a request was open to a guild but the character was not actually a member of any guild.

After dropping the request I had open to the original guild I had requested joining, the correct guild shows up for this character now too.