The boundless future

And yes i am a semi solo player as i run a town thst is #7 in berlyn right now…i also do yt content so thats why i am a solo person brcause i cannot rely on others to help me get an episode out that is fun to watch hence i need to get my own supplies and use the warp conduits to get around instead of.paying for items ans being stuck in one place all because i coulsnt afford a warp conduit back

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This really. On paper having a healthy player-driven economy is nice but the way we have it now, I agree it’s chaotic. I’m optimistic that these will be addressed as new contents are added. One crucial component is signs. I haven’t explored trading/market stuffs that much. I tried to buy things but I just ended up running around the city, finding plinths which sells things I’m not looking for, finding empty stores, etc. It’s really tedious…

For market to be effective, we need to have in-game marketing/advertisements. Right now, the only way is advertising via forums… Other option is a settlement-wide organization. One spot all for hammers, other for decorative blocks, etc. so we can at least need to just go to one spot. This however is unrealiable…


Honestly yeah XD its also player faults for not being in control of their town…i am the mayor of oasis and i have told everyone so far where to build their homes and to.leave one area where shops will be with difference in hammers and so forth…and yes SIGNS would be great not big ass ones just ones in like.Minecraft

Will be deviating a bit…

I don’t know if this will be applicable in Boundless. In Dragon Nest, they have Auction Houses in which people post their item and their prices. After certain time, it will expire. Buyers can just go there, search for the item, sort by price and right there and then the one with lowest price get bought.

This overlaps though with the current plinths style so my take from this is that the Auction Houses have the list of shops on the settlement (probably with prices and items) so at least we have that central information where we go to first and be guided accordingly. Similar to mall’s store guide.

Interesting XD and yeah haha we are deviating

Yeah and this thread is growing unnecessarily really big :))
I’ll stop for now and prevent this madness.


Actually I believe it will be the opposite, with current skill progression I believe that blocks will be softer on starter planets. Since as it is now it does not make sense to put someone with no skills on starter planet and make him mine one block for 15 seconds (total guesstimate). If I’m right, blocks on “harder” planets will remain as they are now, or maybe a tad bit harder, but blocks on starter planets must become much easier to mine to achieve decent playability for beginners.

As for economy, I think that current must-physically-visit-shop to trade is not gonna cut it. We need auction house. I don’t want to spend hours upon hours in running around and comparing prices. Just go no any bigger market in game and try to compare prices for any item. It’s extremely tedious. At least to have a list for each settlement, e.g. if I’m in Therka market I can see all prices in one place, even if I have to go to visit shop I choose after I see all prices it’s fine, but don’t make me go to every shop and see what they offer and at which price :slight_smile:


I would love to have a shopping planet imo that would be cool

While the auction house sadly somehow cheapens the experience of marketing (e.g. Can still sell at higher price due to prime location and other shops are not as famous), we really need something more to the current setup of markets.

The least that I can think to address this is, as mentioned, some sort of bulletin boards listing the markets in a settlement (could be sort by prestige, items availability, rarity, etc so that shops with more effort can be seen on top). I’m thinking that it should not be listing the prices so that there is still some mystery left. Once on shop, there should be signs with written prices for the item for sell. This eliminates the tedious part of manually looking at each plinth to see the prices.

Did I just really deviate from the OP’s topic again!?

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@lawrey Yeah, that sounds good and fair :slight_smile:

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Naw there i rixed it XD now we can talk about shops and also that sounds fair i like ur idea


Hahaha yeah seems you got fed up and outright changed the title of this post! :smile:

Nsw not fed up haha XD

So blocks will actually be easier to mine after the patch, not harder - on starter planets. They are increasing the gap in power so we can feel stronger as we progress. We’ll be able to test this out soon™ on the testing server.

Also, you mentioned that you’re a hoarder. Hoarding is completely possible and encouraged in the current economy. And IMO way too easy to do solo currently. If you’ve seen my shop you’ll get an idea of how much hoarding I do (about 80% self farmed atm).

Dude ik hoarding is possible but it’s SLOWWWW…everything i feel in this game is just way too slow, ik the devs said they wanted a challenge but this isn’t a challenge it’s just straight up boring at times…even going as far as to having to wait 2-3 hours for a lot of stuff to be done crafted even in bulk form. I really want them just to make stuff once u get at a higher level or possible the highest level be quick and done…the challenge should come from the exploration of planets and the dangerous creatures NOT from how long this game can test my patience…

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I have finished the portal in Elop Portas just have to hook up.:slightly_smiling_face:

wait huh? xD hahha hook up what?

OmniUno wanted to put a portal in Elop Portas just letting him know its finished.