The Public Factory (closed grabbed by other player :( )

If you don’t want your build being stolen, then you need to keep an eye on your beacons and how much fuel is in them.

That’s really the only thing someone needs to do. If you lapse and don’t fuel it cause you’re gone for 3-6 months, that’s your fault. Devs aren’t responsible for you losing your stuff nor do they need to patch a solution in the game to change an item.

Besides, 1.0 is rolling out later this year so I don’t really see the point in getting worked up over this stuff happening now. The current worlds are going to be irrelevant to your future gameplay experience come 1.0.

It’s not really that different than someone’s build disappearing cause it goes away from world regen (claimed by Wild). There has to be some kind of responsibility placed on the person who lost their stuff and not simply on the person who is “stealing” people’s stuff. Not that there’s any theft going on to begin with. Heck, there was beacon “theft” that went on in Aquatopia when it came to shop stand plots but nobody got upset about that even though shop stands and request baskets probably had coin in them.

We don’t need some hot fix for every little negative thing that a player is going to do.

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Sure. But consider two players both trying to get the same plot. One is playing the game, waiting. The other is auto whacking while sleeping. Who deserves the plot?

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While I don’t disagree that durability should be included as part of using the beacon plotter (I believe this is already planned and should fix said issue), I don’t see how people claiming lands that aren’t yours is harming or creating issues for you, aside from you not being able to take them yourself. When a player decides to quit the game, their belongings are released unto the wild. If someone claims them and takes them, at least they get to use them, rather than having them de-spawn forever. If they really did care about what they had – and I have reached out to people who’s beacon was going out through discord (with no response) – they would have dug their stuff up and locked it away in their inventory. Just because someone has this approach doesn’t make them a non-player either, as I’ve learned this method through watching “actual” players that we see in the forums here all the time, I won’t mention names. Eventually this plan won’t work anyway, I don’t see a reason to make a big deal.

Claiming an empty plot is, for the most part, free reign. Trying to claim a beacon about to expire and someone grabs it before you fuel it, then that’s on you.

This isn’t something that needs to be patched. Players need to be aware of how much fuel is in the beacons they want to manage. All the means to protect their build and stuff exists in the game already. Use them. They aren’t some how magically hidden either.

If someone did this to me, I would be angry. Anyone would but that isn’t even the point that needs to be nailed home. You fail to fuel your beacon and someone takes it from you, then that is on you who failed to fuel it. This isn’t about who deserves what. It’s about taking responsibility for something you personally made and wanted to protect.

The thing is, if someone is doing this to lots of other people, like what Hackers seems to do, then the solution is that person gets removed from the game or some sort of punishment befitting the activity they are doing is administrated to that player.

The only time that it would be reasonable for something to get hot patched to prevent stuff like this is when it’s a large amount of multiple people doing it. Right now, it’s not even a small handful of people that are doing this sort of thing. If we keep asking for preventive measures against every slightly negative thing that people do as behavior, then that just starts reallocating time and resources away from things that are actually well into the category of more importance.

Blockquote The thing is, if someone is doing this to lots of other people, like what Hackers seems to do, then the solution is that person gets removed from the game or some sort of punishment befitting the activity they are doing is administrated to that player.

NO, Hackers has done nothing wrong… And he does not deserve any type of punishment… Thats silly!!!

The only thing that needs to happen is durability needs to be put on Plotters so that people can’t try to AFK claim land…

Durability isn’t going to solve the problem and if you make the durability a small amount then it’s just more of an annoyance to have to craft an item that you can make at level 1. It’s honestly a bad solution.

We don’t need to craft smart stacks of them and waste storage space with an item that never needs to have durability in the first place.

If someone wants to afk claim your land, they will find a way to do it reliably while afk.

I would agree that anyone that goes around trying to grab builds isn’t doing anything wrong… they enjoy trying to grab resources and its part of how they play the game. There is no basic difference with that than people that mine resources when they reappear, do shops to make money, run portal networks only, etc…

I think the only real question comes down on if they are actually “playing the game while doing it” or using “bot techniques” or “rubber band on mouse” tactics. I think those cross the line because the person isn’t actually playing during that time. So if that happens maybe action against them needs to happen. Maybe we start with reporting people as “afk camping” or something.

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I agree.

I also see that my name was mentioned. The thing here is that people are coming after me because some base they were stalking was taken by me. People are also assuming that I am using this beacon plot spamming method to get any of these bases. If anyone believes that I am constantly beacon plot spamming, please provide screenshots of me beacon squatting over someone’s base. I was exploring Aquatopia when I saw Dunedragon claim a plot next to a simmering shop and use beacon spamming on the outskirts of his city. It kind of pissed me off (since it was pretty ingenious) so I did the same, I even messaged xFirebird in Discord to try to get him to come back and re-light his base, I have screenshots if need be. If anyone has any other occurrences I would love to see them as I have never done it again.

I am fairly new to this game and forums and I don’t know that many people. I’d appreciate it if my name would stop being tossed around. Also, please stop claiming plots around my base and blocking my entrances, or shutting down my portals.



Well I wasn’t serious about what I said about you. Honestly, I don’t care. The worlds on the live server are irrelevant.

I just don’t see the point in devs spending time patching something that doesn’t need patched. There isn’t a problem at all. It looks like witch hunting down problems that don’t exist.

Well, I don’t ask for it to be hot patched. I just said that there is a problem if people are taking plots while not playing the game. Especially if several players are trying to take the same land when the beacon runs out. I think that it should pay off to acctually be there and click yourself compared to auto clicking while doing something else. Otherwise I think that I agree with you.


If the beacon plotter tool works the same as other tools (i.e. requiring direct line of sight), you could potentially just stand in front of the person auto-clicking to prevent them being able to plot.

I’ve not tested if it works like that though.


If a beacon runs out of fuel, anybody can claim it and do whatever they like, it must be this way.

we see players with an interest in not losing theyr building (or let it go by rigeneretion) reaching agreements with other players.

On the point of the plotter tool I do agree, it should have durability and impossible to stack.


The thing is, the issues that arise now will likely be even larger problems in 1.0 if they are not addressed. Sure, all of this stuff now will be inconsequential in terms of everything being wiped, but when there are more people in the game, there are also more people that can cause “issues”, provided it is deemed as being an issue. Simply put, our problems we face right now are small scales of what could be larger problems later on.

(Note: The rest of this is just a more general statement from me and not directed at anyone)

Personally, I don’t think this is necessarily a problem in the sense of someone being able to loot the items of a build. That is life. However, I don’t think one should be able to afk spam while doing it. Camping is going to happen no matter what as that’s human nature. We just have to make it so they have at least “earned” being able to loot a place.


I agree it will be a bigger issue when the player base is larger. People that do things like this drive too many people away from good games and ruin them. Each one that does it teaches their friends and next thing you know there are videos on YouTube demonstrating the easy way to make money while AFK in Boundless and cheat sites explaining it. Better to remove the issue before it is huge and has driven people away. Camping is fine… people might wait around for hours or days only to see the fuel refilled with under a minute to go. lol The camper that shows up and sees an AFK person spamming to claim would just go away though because they aren’t going to beat the person who isn’t even there. I think anyone AFK doing things should lose durability so their tool breaks (and plotters have no reason to be stackable so they should only have one) plus they should be drained of stamina and unable to move until they rest and they should die of starvation too. Go ahead and allow this on PvP planets so that anyone that sees it will kill them and take their possessions.


You know what prevents this that’s already in the game? Beacon Fuel. Put it in your beacon and keep it fueled and players that are predatory over your builds won’t be able to claim anything and gut it for everything they want.

There isn’t any problem with the Beacon Plotter tool. There are a lot of ways to get around whatever solution people have been suggesting (durability) cause honestly it isn’t going to be that viable of a solution when there are methods that the devs can’t control that make it impossible for them to patch unless they’re making Beacon Plotters unstackable and have 1 durability; which then punishes everyone in the game.

Using existing game mechanics in creative ways in a game that promotes creativity shouldn’t be punished. Full stop. Never should be. That’s on par with the devs punishing people for using gem bombs to mine with and bypass all non-resource blocks to get to the ores, coal, fossils, techs, and gems a lot faster than a hammer does (which is most likely going to change with the Forge).

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my apoligies man its true im just really into the game
and was pissed
i had no intentions to let my factory go wild
i came after you and talked about botting
but what you say make sence

i can also see that ya contacted owner off my factory
and did not got a reply cause he got no time since his baby was born

claiming plots around ya base dont know thing about that
closing portal network 42 that was me (when i was pissed)
had alot off issue plotwise with this game im starting to try to live with lol

ive pm ya twice on discord but got no reply
i dont care about materials
but would like to reuse my factory
we use to let people craft stuff for city
and to help newer players to good machines

i could not find you on forum and discord

hope ya accept my apoligy

also dunedragon does reclaim plots as warden off aquatopia
to avoid ghost town syndrome
he invest a huge amount off time in the maintenance off our city


If there wasn’t any problem with this, we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now. This thread is 37 posts long and counting with varying opinions. It’s clearly a problem and throwing it under the rug would essentially likely create an infestation underneath. It’s simply not a good scenario if we just shrug this off.

Beacon fuel can prevent this of course, but this goes back to another point I was making in another thread: not everyone plays, or can even play, this game 24/7. Real life happens which can create all kinds of scenarios and all kinds of grey with this. That being said, it’s still that person’s fault for letting the beacon go and the whole “that is life” part also comes into play.

However, my main issue is with the afk aspect. No one should be allowed to be afk and claim a beacon like that. In my previous game, such action would actually create permabans (which actually prevented a lot of things). It didn’t prevent camping of course, but at least they still had to be there when the deed (as we called it in that game) fell. I’m not against camping. I’m against afk camping.

The durability would not be an end all to the problem. It would deter some however, which is the whole point in my opinion. You will never be able to fully prevent issues like this, but you can create countermeasures that limit it.

I am not sweeping anything under the rug. My entire point is people need to take responsibility for their builds they want to maintain. Whether they are able to play every day or not is irrelevant. It isn’t anyone’s fault for lost stuff.

Having better reporting features for players could solve this in the future. Having a potential punishment placed on someone’s account is far more effective than patching in durability for something that probably doesn’t need it in the first place.

You aren’t going to deter someone who wants to AFK camp and claim someone’s plots. Even with durability and stamina drain, it isn’t going to work. Durability reduction skills are a thing and stamina regen is a thing.

I would rather see people get sent to Sanctum after 10 minutes of not moving from their current exact spot than have an item in the game that has no right to have durability, get durability and what I would consider other nerfs.

But even that idea of sending them to Sanctum can be bypassed so it really comes down to having proper player reporting and taking responsibility for fueling your beacons than anything else. If someone is using some kind of macro auto clicking program (not anywhere close to what a traditional bot is capable of) then a report of that player’s activity could get them some sort of warning.

The beacon tool fix would be perfectly viable…

put 100 dura on it… a person swinging it non stop will go thru that 100 durability in 2 minutes…
yes make them non stackable… seriously how often do you need to plot more then 100 plots at one time?!?
How many beacon tools are sitting around taking up space in a shelf???
And How incredibly hard are they to make???

It really wouldnt be that much punishment to fix the afk issue…


How many people do you honestly see afking to do this in the first place?

Let’s be realistic here. Very few will do this.