(¯`·._.·(¯`·._.· the story off the oortian pilgrim ·._.·´¯)·._.·´¯)

Aquatopia sunkentown presents :
this is a community build effort
we will kick things off and build first part off the story
and the adventure will start in aquatopia sunkentown hub
via a mysterious portal
once you entered the portal your pilgrimage begins

you will enter a magical world that leads you on a adventure
and a story to follow watch out for hidden treasures they can be hidden anywhere for example in a sidequest labyrinth
at the end off this adventure you will find another portal to next chapter

this where the community builders step in

we looking for people who wanna connect this end portal to the next chapter off the pilgrims story and build the next magical adventure
how next chapter story goes depends completely on next builder just need be an extension off the previous story our adventure

few simple rules

preferably a close off one directional dungeon style build our walled off city/zone/fantasie realm if you want you can have doors ur exits clearly marked quit to city our quit to market /quit to hub
but to the adventure you build should lead people into the next adventure
each dungeon will have some hidden code’s you need to collect
that are needed to enter a special guild only a true oortian pilgrim who has seen the wonders off the boundless universe can enter

side quests

the first part off the adventure will include
“the temple off the pilgrim”
where people who prefer not to be included into the adventure portal network can post sidequests with location markers
they can add a trade in system via hidden codes to collect rewards in this temple

this is a ruff concept but i will work out the rules and concept to a working wonderfull thing something i can sink my teeth in

if you not interested but got nice idea’s for us our others please share them here

own story

do you got your own adventure you wonna build but apart from the oortian pilgrim story
for you we also got room to lead people to your project

keepers off the temple off the pilgrim

wonna help out on the general concept/project as a hole contact me and we make a little group to run this idea together discord

dangerous quests

still wondering to keep dangerous locations in the pilgrimage our do it seperate

  • safe and dangerous pilgrimage in one
  • safe and dangerous pilgrimage seperate

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@james any change on a shopstand to redeem codes on as payment to get stuff :smile:


What I tried for a previous contest was making a location token with a 16 digit alphanumeric code as the name. You could have a list of secret codes. Would be hard for someone to guess the code haha

Is the completion of the Reaper trials part of the pilgrimage


pro pilgrim temple room :smile:
temple will have various rooms so can do diferent pilgrimages for example one that lets you visit towns for codes via riddles
then the fysical trial with the portals
our people who invent a hole story to follow around there build
a section for people who have lore would also be coolz
also good reason for people with massive bases like @Heureka people can def get lost there trying to find clue’s lol

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had also idea could make something forged so it caries a certain name as proof
you found something
ow also dk i contact ya for the shopaholic quest :smiley:

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work has started on the pilgrim temple
and the first quests
good thing aquatopia always has a mega temple our two in reserve :smile:

!we currently looking for nice nature/garden builds!
to include our special pilgrim altar

this will be an easy quest where you will get the location markers and just need to locate the altars and visit the beautiful gardens around the universe

but beware not all quests will be this easy they will have various dificulty’s
next quest in progress is finding hidden pilgrim codes via riddles you need to solve to locate the code and the city it is in

we hope also this week to start on the fysical part the dungeon crawler pilgrimage we will start on nia zed ka we looking for nearby planet to build the next connecting dungeon so we can have a string off dungeons around the world to tell the story off the pilgrim

if you have any cool quest idea our wonna build a lore story around your own build contact us to get a room inside the pilgrim temple to promote your quest/story/scavenger hunt