The weapons of the Illuminoort

I’ve been thinking about the Illumioorti’s fighting style.
It appeard to me, they could be fighting with snakes. Throwing-snakes, that is. Imagine grown ass Illuminorti and little ass illuminoorti fighting side by side throwing snakes wildly around into the opposive crowd. Aka: The Flying Mamba. Press button and release untill you’ve gained enough momentum for the throwing snake to be released.
Release too late and the snake beast accidentally swirls and bobs round your head. Seen this SOMEWHERE already :confused:

It’s like a defense weapon against Indiana Jones kind of player types :slight_smile:


I’d say Illuminoorti are too enlightened to fight at all.
The power over force.

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Maybe just Illuminoort spleen.

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I would imagine ancient, ornate weapons of great power ranks of soldiers marching forth from the citys to fight the enemies of the guild

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Good ol’ Swiffer Napkins would have approved :roll_eyes:

Throw your portal grenade and watch your foe disappear, seemingly into thin air.
The enemy is relocated at the portal exit, cunningly placed over a lava lake, deep in the ocean or high in the clouds.


Very clever idea. I imagine it as pretty hectic in an arena. I see my foe placing the destination portal grenade to a rather uncomfy location. And try to evade the actual portal grenade which is about to hit my character. I could also place one portal bomb somewhere and throw the second one straight up so it can fall down on me.
What happens if I allocate the first grenade to my character and throw the second towards another one? Switch of locations? Complete switch of char control? - Possibly very weird scenario. Maybe interesting for a two player team.

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