Threads should not be locked because OP asked

Then don’t close it everyone likes it and as the guy who owns it says it shouldn’t be closed by request of op
That came back to bite him in his butt very fast

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What turns you off playing Boundless? - #2991 by Rydralain … 2865 replies…

once a post goes over a certain length I just banish it to mute because no one is going to waste that much time reading a post that long… its just a chat room for people that don’t want to use discord.

I would bug some one as to why doesn’t the auto mod close any of the other 1+ years old posts so we can stop getting these?

most of the time its literally some one replying to a OP that doesn’t even play the game anymore or they are complaining about a mechanic that was changed… at some point the thread is better off closed… 365 days seems like a good number.

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I only ask for threads to be locked when they:
A) have already been answered elsewhere and I just missed it before asking,
B) If people replying annoy me,
C) if it’s a trade or something.

I agree that threads with new info that isn’t easily found elsewhere on the forums should not be locked but that would take a fair bit of moderating to enforce, I’d imagine.

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It’s concept art and we’re having fun :smiley:

I also strongly disagree with how the OP can request the topic be closed and it gets closed, I feel that is fine for anything under the support or trade section of the forum, but anywhere else this should not happen.

This is the only forum that I have been apart of where the OP is allowed to shutdown their topic at any time, for any reason. I have always found this policy very strange, but I never said anything about it.

As hinted by a staff memeber of discourse, The whole point of Discourse and heace the name of the platform, is to allow and foster debates as long as they remain civil

So by allowing the OP to shutdown their topic at any time, they can stamp out the fostering of debates in the event the OP feels the debate/discussion or what have you is not going the way he or she planned, I am not sure if this is a form of censorship or not, but it is suppression and that is not good.



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I think the big issue is a lot of people have zero common sense combined with almost no self control…

like the [Guide] The Methodology to Forging Everything - V2.3 - Added Repair Spanner - #223 by Jeffrotheswell post, half of the replies are random stuff like “oh wow”

but add zero benefit to the discussion, then OP has a recipe in the middle because half the community felt the need to comment instead of hitting the like button…



It’s a public forum - it shouldn’t be the OPs decision when the discussion has to stop.

What do we gain from locking a support thread? If the problem is solved, nobody is going to reply anyway but if somebody else has the same or a similar problem he can’t ask for help in that thread.

And even in a trade thread it might be easier to just ask “hey, now that you sold OP the 3 SS of white rock he asked for, you don’t happen to have two more for me?”.

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We don’t gain anything from it, but I don’t have a problem with it because that dosen’t suppress a discussion

I am against censorship and suppression of speech. If locking a support or trade topic also happen to fall under one of thoses two things then I would be against that aswell. But most topics like that do not have a discussion of any kind going on in them so i am indifferent about it.


To an extent, I agree… but when the thread has served its purpose and people start letting their emotions control their replies, it’s best to put her down :pensive: imo anyway


I say let them, if the OP can’t handle what their topic has turned into, well there are buttons for that


Any post that gets too out of line will be delt with by the leaders and/or mods, and any post that is just borderline, will show people what kind of person that person really is if they really wish to make a spectacle of themselves. Since anyone mature will walk away and come back when they have settled down before responding to a hot topic that triggered a strong emotional response


That’s a fair point too. I dunno, I’m a bit undecided now. On one hand, if a person makes a post, I think they should be able to kill it too. On the other hand though, it’d be nice if the information (if there is any) were accessible or showed up in search.

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I don’t think that the OP should be allowed to kill other people’s discussions. That in my opinion should only be decided by Leaders/Mods who don’t have a stake/position in the discussion when things start to get out of hand.


sum ting wong? with da face? :stuck_out_tongue:
yeah i had a little fun with it bro

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Aaah, forum moderation. Such a curious game! The only way to win is to not play.


Just to be clear I wasn’t complaining about a moderator or the moderation. All I ask for is to change “the rule” that you can’t request a thread to be closed (unless the CoC demands the thread to be closed).

As soon as someone else added something to a thread it’s no longer “the OPs thread” but everyones.


I may have a new profile picture for you host.

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People should be able to remove certain off-topic comments on their threads. Then that means it can continue (If it is rather important) and people can still get the information they need.

Of course not, I meant no disrespect or dismissal toward your thread… buuuut;

There in lies the problem, yes? The possessiveness, the ownership of the thread. You say that it is no-longer OP’s thread, it is everyones thread. If a Mod closes it at the OPs request, they are disregarding the will of many, so to speak. If they ignore the OP, they are disregarding the will of it’s originator. If, alternatively, a mod takes any other actions like culling tangent replies or moving posts to other topics, they are taking “ownership” of the thread themselves. Any way you slice it, a mod is disregarding somebody’s stake in the thread- it’s impossible to please everyone all of the time.

I take a different view of the matter. It is Wonderstruck’s thread. Ultimately they have the sole authority for all intents and purposes, and the mods are their chosen proxies. Therefore, the most appropriate matter is for those mods to be consistent in their actions and adhere to WS’s guidance at all times. Right now, that guidance is to respect an OP’s request, for better or worse. If you feel your discourse is hampered by that then, by all means- open a new thread. Take that discourse as far as you want, within the reasonable guidelines presently in place by WS of course.

Being a mod is a no-win, thankless role. All they can do is try to be consistent.


Good point exactly why I don’t wanna do it. But very grateful for those that are :wink::wink:.