Tier 4 Crafter Objective - Centraforge Triage stuck

I was just running some objectives and focusing on the Forge one. It seems I have been stuck in a loop I can’t get out of. I show the last part done before the second to last and I don’t know how to fix.

  1. Put in IRON bomb and applied 2 special gum and a few pure boon compound 1.
  2. It took a few runs but did finally get the “hot for heal 1” boon or something. It had enough points in it to turn solid so it would apply.
  3. Put in resin and completed… but still no “apply healing bombs boon to a bag of bombs” is marked green.

Is there a different boon for “healing”? Because this bomb clearly shows Healing on it as a forge trait but it seems to not have shown in the objective.

I do see green for the “collect forged gear” which I think was because while it was setting the forge I went to a bunch of other bombs we had and was organizing them. One of them was a healing bomb so I think that marked the entry green.

I’m not sure how to either reset the “objective” or get around the problem now… ideas?

Note I just tried again with same results. It is like because the last line is green it won’t activate the line above it. Here are screenshots of what I got before I applied the resin.

Seeing forged bomb related objectives make think always that could there be still something left when those did get different boons from forge. Bombs had first own boons for healing, stamina and cleanse. And stamina boon was/is that that allowed eating bomb.

Maybe someone who has start playing game 2019 or later can tell have they completed this or not.

I started playing at the start of 2020 and had no trouble completing this objective.

I also only put Lvl 1 Healing Boon on and it popped, but I hadn’t already completed the last task for the objective beforehand.

I’m wondering if I had the wrong boon that applied even though it says “healing”… is there a list of all the Boons that can be applied because you can’t find it in game?

Forge traits: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1nx8aENb98HmC3Ku4F0hvGIk8HuZm6Azs4k-mRajM6W8/htmlview#

Also available a bit different at: https://boundlessinfo.com/forging/forge-traits

Forging guide(s), in case you want to get into more forging and haven’t seen: [Guide] The Methodology to Forging Everything - V2.2 - AoE Bombs added!

Also, I think you have the right boon, but I haven’t tried getting the forged feats, so I don’t have input on if this works. I’ll probably be forging tonight, so I might give this a try.

Yup, that helped confirm the correct name. Thank you. So I have no idea why it’s bugged.

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What’s the latest on this?

Same issue. No matter how I craft it I am stuck with the objective showing like in the screenshot. It will not mark the apply healing task as done when I do it in the forge.

If there was a way to reset an objective, I would do that and try it all again. Otherwise I don’t know how to get around the bug.

Seems to be a common issue with some Objectives where it’s possible to complete a later part of it first.

I have a friend who just started playing and for them the Tier 2 Core Objective “Mapping the World” cannot be completed.

Every Task except the Task “Find a new Region using the Atlas and Compass” is green (completed), however when I took him to a couple new regions the Task (and thus Objective) didn’t complete.

I can comfirm that they did the last two Tasks (put Ore in Atlas and find some Ore) before finding a new region.

I don’t think the task objectives have to be done in the order they’re listed, they just appear to be that way but they can be completed in any order. I’ve had several instances where I do objectives out of order, though I haven’t tried this forging one in particular.

Were this friend holding an atlas while discovering the new area? I vaguely remember having issue with it (already discovered tons of region but never completed this quest), but I actually used an atlas one time and it worked.

Yes they can be done but the issue is some of these objectives get stuck and won’t accept the other steps.

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Yep, they were holding the atlas at the time. Went to a new region (they hadn’t discovered any yet) and then got the pop-up saying new region discovered 1/50.

As Xaldafax said, most of the time it’s not an issue but there are defintiely some objectives where it is.

Have anyone tried applying different levels of hot on their heals boon on the bomb for this to complete?
Since each level adds a different effect(level 1 - healing, level 2 - energy restore, level 3 - cleansing) maybe it has to be a specific level of the boon? probably either level 1 or level 3.

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I’ve looked at this in game, and the Hot on their Heals Boon I should have been enough to mark off the task, as it’s working for me. You might have hit some edge case.

Could you recall if you have pinned the objective on screen and whether it did the ‘strikethrough’ animation before displaying the last task?

Initially I am pretty sure it was not one of the pinned ones I had up. It is hard to remember because I was making an effort to clear out all the objectives I haven’t completed so I just can’t fully remember. But, I’m pretty sure this wasn’t pinned.

I was working through the list of objectives and clearly remember the last two not done. I just know things were being set and then like a fool I went and touched other healing bombs in that storage chest. Next thing I know the last part is green but the second to last was not. When I picked up the finalized stuff from the forge nothing changed. So I tried to apply the sequence again (and touched no other items anywhere) but when I went to get the forged item or even had the boon apply nothing would turn the objective step green.

I haven’t opened it a ticket yet, but I’ve noticed that I’m having issues with the objective to “restore energy” ten times. Nothing I do will cause that one to cycle. The healing and cleansing worked. So I’m wondering if these merging of forge traits or something caused problems.

Now when I did apply the boon it was like you see in the screenshot (not a full bar). The first attempt had Honestly as I think about it, I might have messed up and it just been there but not “orange.” Maybe it had applied but not actually been enough to apply because one other thing is when I took the first set of bombs there was no forge effects so I just figured I had failed at the “resin setting” step… but maybe you can’t do that? I just am not sure if it was that or touching those bombs in the storage chest.

Can you fail resin setting? If not could having the effect but not “orange” have actually messed up the sequence in the objective?

I’ve tried again a few more times and I still can’t get the same situation as you. The task should only complete if the icon for the appropriate forge effect turns orange and not remain grey.

The objective about restoring energy sounds like one of the known issues with some objectives not working. Can you confirm the objective in question?

I’m not sure what you mean by ‘fail resin setting’? Forge can only start with the Setting Resin.

I guess I can try again to get that “effect” that shows in the screenshot for healing and see if anything changes. It really would be nice to be able to reset the objective. Is there anything inside my account that would help show the problem or logs or anything? Or even if we were online together and you watch me do the forge?

By “fail resin setting” I mean is there any possibility that when you apply the resin and the final forge process happens that the actual forge effects are not applied to your item? Or as long as they are orange the will definitely be applied?

The restore energy objective I mentioned is – The Great Replenisher (Tier 1 Combat Objective). I’ve even tried applying it to another character that I am controlling that has lowered their energy down after some stuff and I throw a bomb immediately (with the heal/cleanse/replish buff). They get energy back but I don’t get an entry marked on the objective. It still shows 0/10.

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I also can’t get this one to work.

You could try sending a game log with the objective pinned on screen and then the forge effect appearing on the GUI. Now, there’s no guarantee the log will show anything, but you can give it a go.

I don’t think I’ve seen any recent reports of the Setting Resin not applying the forge effects, so it should work as expected.

Thanks for mentioning the objective issue for the other bug (The Great Replenisher). It’s currently a known issue.

Sure… can you give me the location of the log or any other settings to make sure they are configured correctly.