TNT Creative 3d Statue Building Contest - Results + New Competition

Doooo it! :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:


I had totally forgotten I plotted something for this until I was stricken with deja vu just now from the pics.

Amazing builds @xerxal11 @noniethepup!


Thank you all~ I may do another just for funsies. My little dragon is out in the water all by itself. :slight_smile:


Please do, would love that!

i would like to make clear this is nalidragon’s statue i just popped screens in early =p…was tons of fun.

i bet we can pop up another Godzilla in a week nali…bwhaha. wanna do another?

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I would like to make it clear, the statue was made by xerxa11 and myself. He is my brother and we both worked hard on it. godzilla and mothra~!!!


Nice to see I got 3rd place. You can keep it until the next update news I see. If there is any one news at all Im going back into boundless with 0 beacon.

Many congrats to the creators and thank you for taking part! :balloon: :partying_face: To pick up your in-game prizes, please message in the TNT discord and someone will help you out. To claim GC, please PM me."

I just wanted to repost this in case anyone else was having a hard time finding it. haha. took me forever to find it

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@ellyphant please keep my in-game prizes in your possession and wait until I log on ( Will post here when I do.)

@ellyphant im back! ty for the SS of rough oort and I’ll put it into use for building more things in the live universe! :partying_face: gonna make a dodge bomb arena and

Hi Lunai, I’m not on much at the moment so I suggest you post in the TNT discord, citing this post. A TNT member should be able to help you out. If you have any problems, let me know.

Solution: play a little more :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


@Lunai2 I might be on a little bit later to do another bit of admin, will PM you in case youre about then - otherwise go via TNT as i said :slight_smile: It’s hard being this popular

Off Topic: @ellyphant @Lunai2


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Don’t encourage him

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I don’t know if you heard, but there is a solution :arrow_down:

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It’s hard being this popular