Toggle-able settlement merge? Discuss solutions. Dev response inside

If most of the plots were roads, then unfortunately that’s how the game’s designed right now. Roads are worth a ton of footfall, and footfall encourages this kinda behavior. I’m really not sure the dev stance on this, but as long as he didn’t encircle you or block you from expandin’, I think it’s allowed.

It’s good you posted this here though, I want to see what other people think.


Person is not just claiming and making ‘roads’ they are just connecting things by making a single-line of rock from one “land-mass” to another and has a main “hub” of castles where they started. The rest is bridges by lines of rocks. But they are claiming entire groups of land not over water.

I would like to just see if this technically “counts” as griefing-- because several members are upset about this situation, including the former “TacoLand” Warden. We would feel better if there was an option for if Wardens could confirm a 'bridging" or a way to keep like “suburbs” of a main city type thing – something so we can not have to keep changing the name of our town daily because two active towns are now “fighting” for name rights.

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So, you’re askin’

“Is forcing two settlements to merge you aren’t part of griefing?”

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Exactly @CreativeWorlds!

noniethepup and Tacoland citizens,

This is the “jerk-face” who is building next to your once impressive city. You have made a lot of assumptions on my intent. All it took is to communicate with me in game to resolve the issue, and addressed the concern once someone was courteous enough to talk to me. My plots are pulled back and will respect a DMZ zone around your territory. Please return the favor.

Best Regards


Just a tip, if you try to follow the rules with no name calling then i would suggest to remove the name from the image too in the future (hope that doesn’t happen again or gets fixed soon). With a black box or cutting it out.