Игра не запускается

The game is only available on Steam at the moment. However that is not your issue, its that your cannot connect to those Amazon servers.

The US West is gsusw1.playboundless.com
The Australia is gsaus1.playboundless.com

Я могу заходить в игру только через ВПН…


Аналогично, получается только через VPN.
Задал вопрос вот здесь (сосед поднял тему и предложил отписаться), надеюсь, получится обойти более простыми способами.

Когда-нибудь это закончится :unamused:

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Do you know what fails, the access or the domain name look up? If you open a command prompt and type “ping” does that work? Similarly does “ping gseuc1.playboundless.com” fail?

Edit: Ok I just read your Release 192 - Report issues here post so using the alternative DNS work around sounds like it wont work.

У нас игра пока идет нормально,но вот уже 10 дней не открываются порталы Мунтин,Терка и Септерфон,и пока не нашли выход из этой ситуации…

Hello, 2 weeks does not open the portal in Muntean, Terka, Septerfon, and in the list there is no presence of friends.when they’re on these planets.Is there a problem?

The post by RaZer-RBI showed that the Russian government has block some IP ranges which overlap with the Boundless servers in the EU and US east. So those servers are not available to you while that blanket ban remains. The servers in the US west and Australia are not effected.


Кстати, если кто не в курсе, то — как подгадывали к открытию Великой Охоты — восьмого числа повальные блокировки отменили. Теперь игра везде работает как должна без VPN.

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My favorite phrase… For those not knowing Russian this is about “Our brave Guardians of the Internet.” Sounds like folks like Zuckerberg at Facebook/Instagram etc. or Jack at Twitter or perhaps the 600+ police assigned to monitoring internet to arrest people who say the wrong things in England. :laughing:

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Yeah. Our brave keepers of the purity of the internet. In Soviet Union the saying “my militia protect me” was common, but in seventies or eighties it turned into sarcastic joke. Few years ago our government has carried out a reform to turn “militia” to “police”. This had some effect and I want to hope now our lawmans actions more adequately then early. I sure now foreign football fans can feel theyself comfortable in Russian cities.

But some of authority structures actioning like insane rams sometimes. That case with RKN is a perfect example for this.

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