Trading for new players

You could also ask @AeneaGames if she has a spot available for you^^

~ :3


Thank you for the advice. I have crafted cloth etc, but I literally hit everything I see when I’m walking round so had loads of copper, leaves etc

Hello =)

@FireAngelDth thy 4 your Reply

@bigad9 we restock daily, if there aren´t some coin at the request baskets =) thank you 4 trade

Have a nice day :raising_hand_man:

I am buying beans, lower tier ores etc in Exploring fist market.


Take some stone, build a small building around your beacon, and then start saving up to by crafting machines =)

It’ll take a while - save up for a Chrysominter first (looks like a yellow barrel) - that takes unwanted items and gives you coin for them - though it’s a very low rate so selling what you can to players always makes more money than Chrysominting does.


Come to Cephonex through portal seekers hub and visit the far right portal. You can sell me starberries and copper, and will likely find the gear you need for reasonable price.