Trait Reduction Gum

How does this work exactly? For example, if I had damage and durability boons on an item and used this gum would it be like adding an effect gum and a longevity gum or does it increase the odds for only damage and durability and not the other boons of those types?

It only increases the chances of getting damage and duribility, rather than other Effect and Longevity boons.

Be warned though, it also increases the chances that all of your quirk and defect points will go into the same quirk or defect rather than you getting a new one.

So, if you literally only want AOE on a tool (as an example) you can put a special gum, compound till you get AOE and then Vigour Cat.

After that, you put on the trait reduction and it’s like you’ve put on an AOE gum rather than a special gum.

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Excellent, thanks.