Treasure hunt (in the bounce house)

There is a new gift in the bounce house for anyone who wants to try and find it :heart: and good luck :grin::crossed_fingers:


Will not be on today but let me know if anyone has found it and if you did find it but left the gift please send photo to me privately so I know you found it :heart: have a great day.


Ok so it has been over a week and no one has found it yet.

The roots are deep into the ground.

And the roots are all around.

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Wow I didn’t know it’s been that long… but guess what. New prize in the bounce house :grinning: can you find it?


Congratulations @ZeroNagz for finding the prize :trophy: :clap:

I will have a new prize coming soon


New prize in the bounce house!

The prize : 5k coin :coin:

There is a token that says 5k on it. When you find it send me a photo you found it by the place I hide it. Good luck and happy hunting :grin:


Any tips yet?

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Nope. It has not been 2 weeks yet.

Ok so it has been 2 weeks and no one has found it yet. So here is your clue…

What is slippery and slimy?
But a block is chiseled ever so slightly…
Somewhere dark and clammy.

Can you find it?


Congratulations to @ZeroNagz for finding the prize :trophy: new prize coming up soon :smile:


Come and get it a nice juicy (Umbris Balanced Slindbow) it is forged.

Can you find it??

I will give a clue in 2 weeks! Good luck :four_leaf_clover:


looked for it for 2 hours and i couldnt find it
(i did dream that i found it)

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It’s been 2 weeks… your clue is.

The trees are so pretty in spring :blossom:


Week 3 and still no one has found it yet. If no one finds it by today I will try and give another clue tomorrow :heart:

Ok so I no one still found it. So look in the trees and look closely. Because the block was precised chiseled with a square chisel. So it’s easy to miss it.

 Good luck to all! ❤️

It has been found. Congratulations @ZeroNagz.

There will be more prizes soon. But not until the egg hunt :heart:

If you do not know of it please check it out or ask me about it and I can share it to you. And if you want your name down to attend your never to late even if it’s during the event :heart::smiley:

Stay safe and hope to see you guys around :star:


Its been found? :umbrisweapon:

Where was it???

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Just noticed that all of them have been found by @ZeroNagz

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Yeah he is one of the first people who looks for it when a clue is out :joy: and i will post a video and share it soon as it posts