[RESOLVED] Trolling Shop Stand

Found a shop listing on Tana VII (2269N, 820E, Alt 85) for Rough Oort at 50c each, which is a heck of a deal. Went to find the shop stand, but can’t get to it. It is inside 1 plot solid block, with no way in. Isn’t this a violation, similar to shop stands behind a locked door?


That was reported by multiple people last week iirc? Or was it the week before? I’m not sure anymore lol

Report the beacon in game


I’ve noticed when you post something on the forums, it tends to get more attention. And isn’t that the point of the forums? To get info out there and support for game issues?
If there is a post like this, it might warn people off and prevent dissent in game.


I agree with you, just wanted to share with you that we had this exact conversation not long ago about the very same beacon :slight_smile:

Edit: adding the link to the other thread Looking for bump warp specialist


Good to know. :+1:

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Yeah I seen that, they should be warned and/or temp ban as Its been long enough now and its obv intentional since there isn’t even a door


can you get underneath it? Find a 2-high space under it and and return to sanctom and back. See if they were smart enough to disable teleporting in their beacon. maybe u can get in.

yeah I dug it out and tried a couple times but couldn’t get in, though I may not be the best at that lol

A bunch of us tried the other day and no one made it

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I agree with this. I have never heard of anybody having much luck using in-game reporting. I figured it just ended up in someone’s recycle bin.

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sometimes it takes a bit for reports to get processed. Just be sure to report in-game and someone will go over and de-list it eventually.

A lot of us reported that shop stand lol @james


They either disabled teleporting or it’s full of dirt so that there is no walking/standing room. Closest I could get was 2m and still couldn’t get in…from the side, from underneath…:woman_shrugging:


stupid shopstand died 2times cuase off it
lot off spitters in pit under it
wasnt prepared for it was just checking out good deal
def made price low to attract people


I did see that there were a number of reports about the location in question and saw the area.

I think it’s probably gone now when I checked it recently if anyone wants to confirm.


Yeah I can confirm its no longer on shop scanner


The Knowledge scanner lists the # of Patrons to help flag active shops from inactive / scam shops.

Reporting the beacon in game is sufficient for us to disable it’s Advertising flag.


Thank you for that. And good to hear the technicals of how it’s done.
Blessed are the Gods of Boundless :grin:

@majorvex I do believe this thread can be closed now. Thank you.

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Sooooo can you open it up james-chan and watch all of Race to get it lol


Closed at the request of the OP.