[Typhuchis] --[T7 - Savage Rift Exoworld]-- [Inactive]

I need More Vivid Violet Grass so Pretty


I’m in love with the blue

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I am pretty sure somebody killed themselves while mining down for the rift:


Great exo!! :grin: :+1:

2069 2070 2071 2072


Anyone have any glow caps they want to sell?

Or twisted trunks?

Happy to give you a ride there!

Or are u at work

I’m at work that’s why I’m trying to buy all of these

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I sell them at Exology, I haven’t dropped off my current load yet tho.

Can someone help me i cant find the desert sword listed above.

It does not appear there are any. This is the original list of plants from the discord bot.

       Trumpet Root: 4,116
  Traveller's Perch: 1,283
        Rosetta Nox: 2,465
    Spineback Plant: 848
      Twisted Aloba: 6,611
     Stardrop Plant: 168
    Oortian's Staff: 1,249

How does one access these numbers?

Join the Portal Seekers discord https://discord.gg/BpNZwd9 and look in the exoworlds channel.

It is very likely I have that color from the previous time it was on an Exo though, if you just need 1 to complete your display.

But that would make the display of the exo a lie! D:


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